Singlets - Photographer (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I decided to go down to the beach today to get some pictures of the beach and other things. I was surprised that I haven't done it yet because it is one of the biggest tourist attraction. I have done every other tourist place but I haven't done the beach yet. I only take the pictures because I then upload them to my Instagram account so that people can know what places look like if they decide to come to Bondi.

When I got down to the beach I immediately got my camera out and I then took a picture of the beach from above the railings. I then decided to take a picture of the lifeguard tower and the cliffs. I then had the idea of taking pictures of the lifeguards so I decided to walk up to the tower and I then knocked on the door.

Around a minute later a lifeguard opens the door and then he asks "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to your boss. I would like to ask him a question," I say.

"Yeah, that's fine. Come in. I'll get him for you." I walk inside of the tower while he goes over to the front of the tower and radios for him. He then walks back to me a minute later and then says "He'll be here in a few minutes. You can come up and meet some of us. There are a few of us in here today."

"Yeah, I can do that." I then walk up to the front of the tower with him and I then stand against the railings and I then say "Hi. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

The boys then turn to face me and then one says, "Hi, Y/N. I'm Singlets. This is Chappo, Corey and H." He points to the boys as he says their names. "So what brings you by the tower today?"

"I want to ask your boss a question." Just as I say that the back door opens and then closes and someone walks up to the front of the tower. I turn to the man and when he looks at me I say, "I'm guessing your Hoppo."

"Yep. I'm guessing that you are the person who wanted to talk to me," He asks.

"Yeah, I am. Can we talk outside? I want it to be a private conversation." He then agrees so we go down the stairs and then go sit down inside the tunnel under the tower.

"So what did you want to ask me?" He asks.

"I was wonder if I could take some pictures of the boys while they are working and I was wondering if I could pull a few out of their jobs for around an hour so I can take some pictures of them together," I say.

"Yeah, I can do that. Which one do you want to start with?" He asks.

"Can I do the first option first as I don't want to distract them while it is really busy?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can do that. I won't tell them so they don't get distracted."

"Thanks." I then walk down the beach to the south end so that I could start with them.

Around 2 hours later I have finished with the pictures of the boys on the beach and it was now time to sneak back into the tower to get some pictures of them. I decided to go around the back of the tower and quietly open the back door.

I then made my way into the tower as quietly as possible and I decided to get a few pictures of them working in here. I don't know why but I have more of Singlets than every other lifeguard on the team. I then finished taking pictures of them and I then crept back out of the office and then I walked over to Hoppo's office as he told me where to find him if I needed him.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am going to do this chapter in 2 parts because I am too lazy to do it in 1 part. Plus I have spent most of my day today writing the next chapter for my Brooklyn nine-nine book. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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