Tommy Frazer - Doctor

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Scarlett's POV:

It was my day off work today so I was down at the beach today. Even if I am off work I keep stuff that I might need for an emergency in my bad because I don't know if I might need it if there is an accident nearby. I know that I wouldn't need it because there are lifeguards at the beach but if there is trouble somewhere and they have to use the oxygen and defib and they need it somewhere else then I can take my stuff to them or if there is someone in trouble but the lifeguards are busy or don't notice then I can go and help them.

It was around 10.30 am when I realised that someone was in trouble. The lifeguards weren't watching and no one else saw it happen. I got up, took my bag and ran over to the girl. I saw her come up the beach in pain and was struggling to breathe. I then saw her fall over on the sand near me. When I got to her I checked her pulse and checked if she was breathing. I felt that her pulse was weak and what she was hardly breathing. I got out my stethoscope and I could faintly hear it. I got the oxygen mask out of my bag and turned it on so that she got oxygen into her. I then started chest compressions to get her heart starting and after a minute I put the stethoscope to her heart again and heard that it was stronger but she wasn't awake yet so I put it up to her lungs and heard that there wasn't a lot of oxygen getting in. I realised that there might be a lot of water in her lungs. I immediately called the ambulance to come here because there is a girl here unconscious and she needs help. I also tell them that it is doctor Turner. As I hung up the phone I hear someone behind me ask "What happened to her?"

Tommy's POV:

I was working at North Bondi today and I was more focused on what was going on in the sea than what was going on behind me on the beach. It was around 10.15 when I told Itchy that I was going to parol the beach to make sure that people are alright on the beach so I left and walked across the beach working my way to the back of the beach. I wasn't doing it really fast as if I was I wouldn't notice things easier so I did it slowly. I got closer to the bach of the beach and I see someone leant over someone whilst talking to someone on the phone. I radio to Itchy telling him that someone is lying on the floor and someone is leaning over the top of them. I also tell him that I am on my way to see the person now.

When I reach them I see the girl getting off her phone so I say to her "What happened to her?" I then see her turn her head around and look at me before saying "I don't know. I saw her collapse on the floor so I came over and saw that she was hardly breathing and she hardly had a pulse. An ambulance is on the way so it's fine and I know what I am doing." I look at her shocked. I radio to Itchy that the girl on the floor is fine as someone is looking after her. 

I then decide to stay with her until the ambulance arrives and we start talking about what we like and dislike and what she does as a job and other stuff. We sat there for around 5 - 10 minutes whilst waiting for the ambulance.

Once the ambulance arrives she picks up the girl and puts her onto the stretcher. I go up with them to the ambulance. I then give her a piece of paper with my number on it with my name and say to her "Here's my number if you want to text me." Once I see the ambulance drive off I go back down the beach and continue to work.


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Nicci 💙

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