H - Treasure Hunt

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Y/N's POV:

I have been determined to do this since I was told about it. My dad was a lifeguard down at Bondi beach and he told me that there was a treasure hunt going on down there today. I knew that I would want to do it immediately because he told me what the prize was. I was really good at treasure hunts so I knew that I would be able to do this.

I made my way down to the beach with my swimming board because I don't know if I am going to need it and when I get there I sign up for the treasure hunt and get my first clue. Hoppo said that no one could start until 10 am and it was 9.51 am at the moment. I looked down at my clue to see that it said You can find me where lots of people get injured. I mediately knew that it was flat rock so I turned in the direction of flat rock so that I could run there straight away. I love the fact that people were standing there confused as hell because they don't know this stuff.

I kept watch of the time on my watch and when it reached 10, Hoppo shouted "Alright, on the count of three you can go. One...Two...Three." He then blew an air horn and we all started running.

A few people ran in the same direction as me, and when I reached Flat Rock, I started looking around for the next clue. I found it on the floor in a plastic container. I opened it up to read the next clue and I immediately knew where the next clue was hidden.

I spent the next hour doing that same routine where I found clues and then read them and then ran to the next place where the clue would be. I did get stumped on probably 5 out of the 15 clues. I was really happy when I got the final clue because it was something to do with the lifeguards and the clue was Where the lifeguards are stationed and then say the name of the oldest lifeguard on the service.

I immediately knew where I had to go so I ran straight for the tower and I also knew who the oldest lifeguard of the service was so when I got into the tower I shouted the words "Harry Nightingale. Aka my dad."

They all turned to look at me when I said that and when they saw me Hoppo turned to me and said "Well, done Y/N. It looks like you get the prize." He then hands me a treasure chest which I think I get to keep and when I open it up there is chocolate, sweets and when I look at the bottom I could see that there was around 100 AUD there. I got shocked and I then said "This is all mine."

"Yes, it is all yours. Your dad would be proud Y/N." I knew what I had to do next to so I ran straight down to my dad and then handed him some of my chocolate because I didn't want to eat it all.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I realised that I haven't written an H chapter yet so I decided to write one. I am really bad at writing clues for a treasure hunt so that is why there is only 2 in here. Hope everyone in the UK has been enjoying the sun for the past few days. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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