Harrison - Paralysed (pt.2) - short

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Y/N's POV:

When we got to the hospital, I immediately got wheeled into the x-ray room so that I could have an x-ray so they can check for any broken bones in my back. I was in a lot of pain but then they gave me some morphine so that I wasn't in any more pain. I still couldn't feel my legs which was worrying me the most as my worst fear is to become paralyzed. They then took me to a room and then Harrison walked in and I held onto his hand again. The doctor then said, "Well I have bad news for you." I then start crying because when he said that he has bad news that I have done something serious. "You have broken your C4 bone in your neck as well as breaking a lot of your bones in your spine. I am afraid that you won't be able to walk again because of the permanent damage you are going to have once they have been fixed."

I then start crying into Harrison's hand and he then brings me into a hug and I then cry into his shoulder. He also knows that this is my worst fear and he does his best to comfort me.

A bit later they roll me into surgery so they can put screws into the broken parts of my spine so that they will heal back onto the actual spine.

When I got back out of surgery, they brought me back to my room and I then saw Harrison sat there waiting for me and when he sees me he jumps up and then runs over to me. I then start crying again once the doctors leave the room and he then climbed onto my bed and I then cuddled into him while I cried.

While I was crying I managed to fall asleep as I was tired from the surgery.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Thank you for the comment that one of you put on the last chapter. It did help a lot. Also, I am not a doctor, so I don't know what you have to break to become paralyzed, but I want to become one. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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