All Lifeguards - Cancer

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Y/N's POV:

6 months ago I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I haven't wanted to tell any of the boys that I have it. Because the white parts of my eyes have been changing to the colour yellow slowly, I have been wearing my sunglasses more inside but the boys haven't been questioning it a lot. I also have been losing weight without even trying. I just say that I haven't been hungry so I am not eating.

I started my chemotherapy around 3 months ago and after a few weeks, my hair started to fall out so I decided to get a wig to make it look like I still had all of my hair. So far my wig hasn't come out in the water but I feel like it is going to come off soon. I have also started to get tired at work because of the chemo. The boys could tell that I was tired but every time that they have asked, I have ignored them. I wasn't ready to tell them yet as I don't know what they would say.

I got to work at 7.30 am today and I got called to Hoppo's office. I was scared that I would be fired because then I can't afford my chemo treatment. When I got to Hoppo's office I knocked on the door and then I heard him say "Come in." I then opened the door and walked in.

Once I sat down I said, "You wanted to see me, Hoppo."

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you're ok. You keep falling asleep on duty and I have noticed that you are losing a lot of weight recently," Hoppo said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really well and I haven't been feeling hungry so I haven't been eating. I promise you. I'm fine," I say.

"It doesn't look like it. Also, why have you got some of your money forwarded to the hospital?" Hoppo asks.

"I have to get some treatment done at the hospital so I have to have the money go to the hospital."

"What type of treatment are you having? I need to know what type of treatment you are having."

I then decided to take my wig off as I knew that I couldn't tell him if I didn't take it off. "I have been getting chemotherapy because I have pancreatic cancer." I then continue explaining to him about pancreatic cancer.

Around about 5 minutes later, I finished explaining to him about it and he then tells me that I have to tell the others. I then decide to do it after work as then I can tell everyone at the same time.

12 hours later we have now packed up the beach and we are all getting our stuff from the locker rooms. As I managed to get changed faster than them all I walked into the boys changing room and then told them that I have cancer. They all then started asking me questions and I then realised that I was glad that I managed to get it off my chest.


Thanks for reading this chapter. The last chapter that I wrote inspired me to write this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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