All Lifeguards - BBQ

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Y/N's POV:

It was after work hours and the boys and I were all on the beach still as we decided that we were going to have a barbecue. Maxi got it out from under the tower as we keep it there at the back so that we can have it out when we want to have one. We all brought some food from home so we could get them cooked and I brought 2 packets of 24 sausages as I know that the boys will have 2 each and someone else brought the burgers and someone else brought the buns and so on and so on.

Hoppo was the one who was going to cook all of the food as we all chose him to cook the food because he doesn't burn the food. We all decided to get a table and all of the stuff that we brought so we can help ourselves with the food once it is ready.

30 minutes later Hoppo put the last of the food down on the table and we all went straight for it. I managed to get to the front of the cue so I took 2 sausages and put them in my hot dog rolls and I then took 1 burger and put a slice of Mexicana cheese on it. I then put onion on all 3 things and then I put burger sauce in my burger bun and then ketchup on my sausages. I then got to the end of the table which had the spicy chicken kebabs and the salad so I grabbed both of them things and I then walked away from the table and sat down on the chair that I brought that we arranged into a circle.

Around 10 minutes later all of the boys were sat down on their chairs with their food and they started talking to each other. I decided that I would make a toast. I shouted "Oi. Dickheads. Listen up." They all looked at me when I said that so I continued and said, "I would like to make a toast to everyone here and say that without us people would die every day because of how stupid they are. So thank you for coming to work every day and saving peoples lives. To us." There was a chorus of 'to us after I finished speaking so I sat down and I then continued my conversation with Hoppo. We then spent the rest of the evening sitting on the beach talking to each other and having fun.


Thanks for reading this chapter. If anyone doesn't know what BBQ means it is a barbecue. I only wrote about this chapter because my sister, friend and I went to the park today and made a fire and cooked some bacon and sausages. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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