All Lifeguards - Iron Man Challange Fail (pt.2)

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Harries POV:

We finished the Iron Man challenge around 5 minutes ago. We were all waiting for Jethro to come out from the water but when we then decided to wait for another 5 minutes to see if he would turn up.

After 5 minutes, Jethro didn't turn up so we all started to get worried about him as we didn't know where he was. We then decided to go to Bronte to see if he picked up his board but when we got there we saw that his board was still there so we knew that he was somewhere between Bronte and Tamarama. I then decided to get on the board and paddle in the water to see if I could see him anywhere.

I spent 15 minutes out in the water trying to find Jethro but I couldn't find him. All of a sudden I saw a shadow that looked like a body in the water. I then decided to dive in to get the body.

When I got back to the surface I looked at the body and saw that it was Jethro. I then tried not to panic while I got him on the board and brought him back to shore. The boys were there with the defibrillator and I then set Jethro down and then I started CPR on him. While I was doing CPR the boys and Y/N set the defibrillator up and put the patches on him. We were all hoping that it would work as Jethro likes to make us laugh by messing things up.

Jethro's POV:

I could breathe again. All I felt was sand underneath me so I knew that they got me from out of the water. I had to roll to the side to cough up some water so I could clear my airways but when I did I could breathe properly. I heard from above me "Thank god that you are alive Jeth. We didn't know what we would do without your jokes."

I let out a raspy laugh and I said "Yeah. I do make things light-hearted around the tower don't I."

"Yeah, you do. We also were worried about you."

"Ok but more of the important question. Who won?"

"Y/N won but we don't care about that. All we care about is that you survived."

"Congrats Y/N and thanks guys you are the best." We then talk for a bit and then an ambulance turns up and takes me to the hospital to check if I have any more water in my lungs.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I thought that it would be a little bit mean to kill off Jethro in this chapter so I decided not to. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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