Maxi - Seizure

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Y/N's POV:

I was down south end today playing in the water. I was staying away from the surfers as it I get hit in the head by their board then that can end up badly as I could hurt myself. I don't know what happened, but I managed to drift away from everyone that was playing in the water without myself knowing. I ended up in an area with the surfers. I couldn't head anything because I was focusing on the water but suddenly, I get hit in the back of the head by a surfboard. I fell into the water and everything went black.

Maxi's POV:

I was down south end today and I saw my sister in the water playing. I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen which I was right as I saw her move into the area with the surfers. I saw a surfer caning straight towards her and knew that I had to go now. I ran out into the water with the board and just as I got into the water the surfboard hit the back of her head. I swam over to her on the board and when I got to her, I saw that she was bleeding in the back of the head, so I pulled her on the board and swam back to shore. I put her on the sand on her front to patch up the head which after I did, I had to roll her onto her back so I could check her pulse and to check her breathing. Once I checked them, I saw that they were fine and then tried to wake her up. All of a sudden, she starts to seize. I stepped back as I knew that I couldn't do anything as I can't stop her seizure. Chappo came over and told me that an ambulance is on its way.

Around 5 minutes later Y/N woke up and started moaning in pain as her head was hit badly. The ambulance turned up a few minutes later and I went with her to the hospital as Hoppo let me go.

When we get to the hospital, they check her head and they told her that she has cracked her skull open slightly and they asked me if I could look after her which I agree to do so I now have to bring her to work every day until she has to go for her check-up in 2 weeks.


Thanks for reading this chapter and thanks to angelbaby198 for requesting this chapter. Hope this is ok.


Nicci 💙

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