Gonzo - Babysitting

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Y/N's POV:

I was babysitting a kid today while his mother was at work. Gonzo knows that I am babysitting him today. I am only doing it because I am friends with the mum, and she doesn't have anyone else to look after him so she asked me to look after him and I said that I would do it. I had already been looking after him for a few hours and I said to him at around 11.30 am that we would be going to the beach at 1.

It is now 12.45 and Matt has now eaten lunch and he has gotten dressed in his swimming costume and then has his clothes on top of them. I then get him to put on his shoes so we can just leave the house when I am ready. I then let him sit on the sofa with my phone so that he can watch videos on YouTube. I then get all of the stuff that I need and put them in a bag and then put it by the front door. By the time that it is 12.55, I am ready to go so I take my phone off Matt and then put it in my bag with the other stuff. We then walk out of the house and go down to the beach.

15 minutes later we finally arrived at the beach and we then went and found a spot by the tower that was free. We then put our stuff down and I then put sunscreen on Matt so that he won't burn in the sun and then I go down to the sea together so we can play. While I am down there, I see Gonzo standing by the buggy with Harries so I said to Matt that he has to stay in the shallow end of the water and that he can't go wandering off, so I know where he is. I also told him that I would be going up to the lifeguards so if he needs me then come and see them as I would be with them.

I then walk up to the buggy and when I got there, I walked up next to Gonzo and kissed him on the cheek. And then we started talking for the next half hour. I then tell him that I have to get back to Matt so I walk back down to the shallow part of the water but I don't see him so I start wandering along the edge of the water just in case that he has moved along so that he could do more, but I don't see him. I then walk past the buggy that Gonzo is at so that I could see if he were there, but he wasn't, so I then go up to our stuff to see if he is there and when I get there...

Gonzo's POV:

I just finished talking to Y/N and she then walks back down to Matt, the kid that she is babysitting. Y/N and I have been dating for a few months now and we really love each other, and we don't know what we would o if we weren't together as she makes sure that I don't forget anything when I am about to go to work. Around 5 minutes later I see her panicking while walking past the buggy, so I tell Harries that I am going to check on her, so I run up to Y/N and when I get to her she is already back at her stuff and she looks calmer so I ask her "why were you panicking?"

"I thought that I lost Matt because I couldn't find him, but I found him back here sitting on the towel," She says to me I then stay with her for another 5 minutes to make sure that she is ok and when I realise that she is fine I go back down to the buggy and get back to work.

Y/N's POV:

The rest of the day flew by fast and I took Matt back to my house at around 3.30 as his mum would be picking him up at 4. Gonzo came over to my house at 7 to check up on me and just to stay over as I live closer to the beach than he does. We ended up cuddling on the sofa for the rest of the night before we both got tired and decided to go to bed.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it. I like this chapter a lot because it was fun to write.

I have also published the first 4 chapters to a Brooklyn nine-nine fanfiction if you want to read that.


Nicci 💙

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