All Lifeguards - Christmas

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A/N - Please wear your mask outside even if it is Christmas. Please stay say and wash your hands to protect your family. For people in England please keep safe even if they have found a vaccine I am still going to be wearing my mask and keeping safe to protect my family. Even if they have found a vaccine for us it doesn't make us safe yet. So everyone please Stay safe, Wear your mask and Wash your hands to stop the spread.

🎄🎅🏻Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🏻🎄


Y/N's POV:

It's my most favourite time of the year today and I cannot wait to go to work even if I have to be away from my family on one of the most significant times of the year. I love working at the beach on Christmas as I get to see people's families together but I also hate it because people get drunk and then go into the water and then need to be saved or some people just don't listen to us and then nearly drown as they don't listen to us. I always wear my lifeguard outfit with a Christmas hat which I pin onto my head to that it doesn't come off when I do my rescues.

I walk into the tower in my outfit and get comments from the boys and then I walk down to the steps onto the beach and go down to south Bondi in the blue buggy

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I walk into the tower in my outfit and get comments from the boys and then I walk down to the steps onto the beach and go down to south Bondi in the blue buggy. By the time I got down there, I only had to wait 15 minutes before I had to start saving people. The first person I saw was around 30 years old and was an American man. I wasn't surprised that they got stuck as they don't even listen when they are in America. After I rescued him I had to couldn't stop to rest as I had to continuously rescue people but I didn't need any help from the boys as it wasn't a mass rescue. I started rescuing people at 8.30 am but didn't get to rest until 12.30 pm. I decided to radio up to the tower to tell them I want to swap posts now and that I wanted to go on my lunch break. We all swapped posts as the other boys came into work so that meant that I could go on my lunch break and when I returned I got to sit in the tower and use the binoculars to watch the sea and check to see if there was anyone in trouble. By the time it was 2 pm Harrison was out on the beach in the Santa suit to give the children candy or fruit. I don't even know what it is this year.

While that was going on the other lifeguards weren't paying attention to the middle of the beach. I radioed down to them but they couldn't hear me so I dod the one thing that I could do which was to run out of the tower and leave Yak on his own to deal with everything. When I get down to grab the board I see the little girl nearly go under so I grab the board and with all of my strength I paddle through the waves and get to her just before she goes under. I couldn't get her back to the beach just yet as she was struggling to breathe and by the time I get back there I am afraid that she might die so I do CPR on the rescue board and I get her to get most of the water out of her lungs. I realised that I forgot to take the radio off me when I left but I didn't get it wet which surprised me a lot so I radioed up to Yak to tell him to call an ambulance. By the time we get back to the beach the boys have realised what had happened but all I am thinking is to get the little girl up to the tower so that the ambulance can take her away quicker. Her parents follow me while I explain to them what is going on and what has happened. When I get to the tower the ambulance has turned up and then they take them away to check up on her so by the time that was over I just wanted to pass out as my legs felt like that they were going to give out which they did so when I was walking back to my seat my legs gave out and I couldn't get back up so I had to slide on the floor over to my seat.

By the time it was the time that we had to go we all decided to go home and get dressed so that we could go out to Icebergs to get some food and to have a drink as we haven't had dinner yet. After dinner and the drink, we all went home to get ready for another day at work. Even if today has been tiring, it still has been enjoyable.


Thank you for reading this chapter. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year and please stay safe.


Nicci 💙

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