Joel - First Kiss

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Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Joel for about 2 months now but we haven't kissed yet. It might be because he knows that I haven't felt comfortable with kissing him yet and because we don't want to rush into things in this relationship. I haven't felt comfortable kissing him yet because I haven't had my first kiss yet.

I know what your thinking. What 22-year-old hasn't had their first kiss yet? However, there is a reason why I haven't had my first kiss yet. I wanted it to be with someone that I really love. But even though I have been in a relationship with Joel for around 2 months I know that I love him. I knew that I wanted him as my first kiss.

Joel was taking me on a date today and I knew that today was the day I would kiss him. I was going to kiss him after the date as I was going to invite him back to my house and then I was going to kiss him when we got inside of my house.

---Time skip to after the date---

Joel has just parked the car in front of my house and just before I get out of the car I turn to Joel and ask "Do you want to come inside?"

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I say.

"Yeah, I'll come inside." He then gets out of the car at the same time as me and then we walk into the building and then we went into the elevator and went up to my floor.

We then got into my house and I then brought him to my couch and then sat him down and I then sat next to him. We then spent the next 20 minutes talking but I stopped talking after a while because I was just staring at him.

I didn't realise it but I started leaning in for a kiss and then Joel stops talking when I got really close to him and he then moved his hands to the back of my neck to bring me closer. He then pulls me in so that our lips are touching and he then begins to kiss me.

We just sat there kissing each other for a while and then we pulled away. I then put my head down and we then sit there for a minute or two in silence. I then break the silence and say "That was nice and you were also my first kiss."

"I was? And yes, that was nice."

"Yes, you were," I say. I then couldn't hold back anymore so I just started kissing him and we continued that for the rest of the night until we both got tired and fell asleep on top of each other while we were sat on the sofa.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry that it is late again. It is the same excuse from yesterday where my sister, mum and I were watching Teen Wolf but we are now nearly finished with season 3 and we are going to be moving onto season 4 soon but I won't let that get in the way of writing this book. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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