Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.2)

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Rose's POV:

I have just gotten back home from going out with the boys. I have met all of the others and I am now back home. I only came back home because I needed to clean my house and because I was on the early shift tomorrow and I wanted to get enough sleep.

From earlier's conversation with Harries, I now need to talk to my parents and ask if I am adopted. I decided to do that first because I knew if I did that before I went to be, I wouldn't be able to sleep. I got my phone out and then called them. They picked up after it ringing for 20 seconds. "Hi, mum."

"Hi, Rose. Why are you calling? You never call only but when you do call it is to check upon us. We are fine before you ask."

"Yeah, I'm not calling to check in with you. I just going to ask this because I don't want to put this off. I want you to tell me the truth. Am I adopted?"

All I hear after I said that was silence. After around 30 seconds of no one saying anything, mum says "Yes you are adopted. How did you find out?"

"Funny thing is when you don't change my last name it is weird plus one of the boys has the same last name as me. I only found out today. When were you going to tell me?"

"I didn't think I would have to. I couldn't have children and your birth parents didn't want you because you were a girl and they only wanted girls so they could carry on the family name."

"Seriously, they didn't want me. My brother might be calling them soon to find out as well but if he doesn't I am still going to tell him at work tomorrow."

"Yeah, that is probably a good idea. So how old was I when you got me?"

"You were around 1 month old. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were going to be cute and lovely. I just couldn't let you stay at the orphanage."

"So, is this the reason why you have never let me see my birth certificate?"

"Yes, it is. Your birth parents are actually on it so I didn't want you to find out. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you earlier."

"That's ok." We then stay on the phone for a bit longer and when I hand up I then decide to go to bed because it was too late to clean up the house.


Thanks for reading this chapter. So, I have decided that this is going to be split up into 3 parts. This one is just about her phone conversation with her mum and then tomorrows chapter will be about her telling Harries. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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