Bacon - Broken Promise

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Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Bacon for nearly 6 months now and when we started dating each other we promised each other that we wouldn't tell anyone that we were dating except our parents as we didn't like to keep secrets from them. I haven't told anyone that we are dating because I want to keep it a secret and I don't want to break the promise but I don't know about Bacon because I think that he has been keeping something from me.

I had a day off today so I decided to go to the beach and go for a swim and when I got there I sunbathed for 20 minutes and then I decided to go for the swim. I walked between the flags and when I got deep enough I dived in and swam out bac where I knew no one would be and I started swimming back and forth between the flags.

I swam back and forth between the flags around 10 times and then I decided to swim back to shore as I was starting to get tired.

While I was walking back to my stuff one of the lifeguards came up to me and said "So Bacon told the boys that you and he are dating." I looked at him in shock as I couldn't believe that Bacon told them. I decided to leave him standing there and I ran up to my stuff and ran off the beach.

I made it back to our apartment 10 minutes after I left the beach and I just run into our room and cry into my pillow. After crying for an hour my sadness turns into anger because Bacon broke our promise and I then start punching things around the house and I broke a few things.

---Time skip---

I have been home for a few hours now and Bacon has just gotten home as I heard the door close and when he walks through the door he shouts "Honey. I'm home."

I then walk out of our room with an angry look on my face and I then shouted at him "YOU PROMISED."

"What did I do?" He says while putting his hands up.


"I 'm sorry. I forgot all right. I was caught up in the moment and I just blurted it out to all of them."

I then started crying and said, " I can't deal with this right now." I walked back into our room and grabbed my suitcase and then walked back out of our room. "When you are ready to keep a promise and a secret from everyone else then I will come back but at the moment I just can't live with you in this apartment while you just break promises." I then walk out of the apartment and put my suitcase into my car and drive to my parent's house.

I called them earlier that I need to come to stay with them for a while and they said that they will let me stay there for as long as I need.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have posted the next chapter of my Brooklyn nine-nine fanfiction if any of you want to read it. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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