Burkey - Breathing (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I don't know what happened but all of a sudden I went under the water and I was struggling to breathe. I breathed in the water and I could tell that it was going into my lungs because I was starting to cough which caused me to breathe in more water. I was struggling to get back up to the surface as I had no energy.

I started to close my eyes because I was starting to get tired but all of a sudden I feel someone grab my hair and pull me up. I then land on the board and I start coughing up the water and it started coming out. I could still feel the water in my lungs but I knew that I would have to go to the hospital because I still have water in my lungs.

When I got back to shore I started to become short of breath again and I then fall to the floor onto my knees. The lifeguard that rescued me dropped down next to me and then asked "Are you alright?"

I couldn't form a full sentence but I managed to say "Can't...breathe." I then fell onto the floor and just lied there.

Burkey's POV:

Once the girl fell to the floor I rolled her over onto her side so she was in the right position. I then pumped my arm down 3 times to signal that I need oxygen and then around a minute later Harrison comes down to me with the oxygen that was in the back of the buggy. Once I cleared her airways and put the mask on her I checked her pulse and felt that it was still strong.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I only have 4 exams left. Yay. I didn't have time to write the full chapter so tomorrows chapter will be short. Hope you are having a good week so far and I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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