Jake Nolan - First Time

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Just a warning that this is going to be a smut chapter so if you don't want to read it then you can skip to the end of the chapter.


Y/N's POV:

Jake and I have been dating for just over a year now and things have started to get serious. We haven't done it before as I haven't been ready as I wasn't comfortable yet but I am ready now. Jake knew I was ready and was coming round later today so we could do it. I decided to get everything ready for him when he came later. I also decided to have a shower to get clean and to shave my legs.

It was time for Jake to come over now and I was kind of nervous as I have never done this before. Just as I started pacing back and forth I heard a knock on my door and knew that it was Jake so I opened my door and he quickly slipped inside the house and put his stuff down. Once he looked at me he knew that he had to do it as I was wearing black lingerie with a see-through black nightie. He then walked towards me and when he got close enough he pulled me closer and started to kiss me.

---Smut Warning---

Once we started kissing he motioned for me to jump which I did and then he carried me to my bedroom and laid me down on my bed. We managed to do that without kissing and as we continue to kiss he towers over me. I then decide to roll us over so I am on top of him and he is lying down on the bed. I then take off my nightie so I am just in the lingerie and then I start kissing him again. While we are kissing he wraps his arms around my back and unclips my bra and slides that off. I then run my hands down his shirt and then I pull off his shirt so he is topless. He then rolls us over again so I am lying down and he then takes off his shorts and boxers so he is completely naked and then he slides his hands down my waist and slowly pulls off my pants. We have only had to spit apart for us to take off his shirt but other than that we have been kissing. Now we are both naked and he then breaks the kiss and reaches over to his bedside table that he has when he sleeps over. He opens the drawer and pulls out a condom and then he unwraps it and puts it on his member and then he looks at me and asks "Are you sure you are ready for this?"

"Yes, I am sure. I love you and I want you to be the one to take it away."

"I love you too and just to warn you this will hurt." He then lowers himself inside of me. Just as he slid t in I moaned loudly and Jake bit his lip. He then lowered himself all the way in and when he did I gasped as I didn't know that this is what it would feel like. Jake then moaned as he started pumping himself in and out at a slow pace and as he did I started to arch my back and I dug my nails into his back.

He then picked up the pace and I dug them further into his back and I then moaned "Jake, don't stop." I then started smiling as I was really enjoying this.

"Ah," Jake grunted with pleasure into my neck. "Fuck!"

Jake went faster and I continued to moan as he went faster. I could feel myself coming to my climax and I think that Jake could feel it too. "Jake...I'm gonna..."

"Me too, baby," Jake grunted and moments later we both climaxed together and we both moaned loudly as we did. Jake then slowed the pace down and breathed heavily as I brought him into my chest, smiling.

Jake then lifted his face and rested his forehead against mine and I cupped his face and kissed his lips. "That was amazing."

"I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too, Jake." Jake then attached his lips to mine and we continued to make out.


I know that I said that I wouldn't write smut chapters but every once in a while I will and someone asked me if I would write a smut scene before requesting to write a chapter for them so thank you to  for asking me first before asking me to write a request for them. Also, I have never written a smut scene before as this was my first time writing one. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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