Jethro - Memory

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Y/N's POV:

I decided to tell Jethro a story today about when I was 7 years old. That was back in 2006 when Bondi Rescue just started. Jethro was near the end of his shift so I decided that I was going to tell him when he got home. I was a little nervous to tell Jethro about my past because I have never spoken to anyone about it. I have always been scared to talk about my past as I never had a good childhood but I liked to talk about this memory because it was the only happy memory I remember having.

When Jethro got home an hour later, I let him get changed out of his work clothes. When he came out of our bedroom I turned around to him and asked "Jeth. Can I tell you a story about when I was little?"

"Are you sure? You said that you don't like talking about her because you said that you don't have any good memories from when you were little," Jethro said.

"Yeah, I'm sure. However, this is a good memory. It's the only good memory from when I was little."

"Ok. Yeah, you can tell me."

"Ok. So it was 15 years ago in 2006 when I was 7. It was the year that the Bondi Rescue show started. I was sat down in my living room watching it on our TV. My parents weren't home so I was home alone."


I was sat on the sofa watching the 5 episode of Bondi Rescue. Ever since the tv show started this was the only time that I get to myself without anyone bothering me. My parents are never home when it is on which is a good thing because they always like to force me to do stuff.

For this season of Bondi Rescue, I have a crush on Harries even though I am 7 years old. I haven't told my parents because they don't want me to like anyone or date anyone. I then decided that I was going to go to the beach to swim in the sea.

My parents would care that I went to the beach but they have never taken me. I got changed into my swimsuit and then left the house and walked down to the beach.

I managed to get myself in trouble while I was in the water but the lifeguards saved me and they took me to the tower so they could look after me because I was alone and they wanted to call my parents which they did but they didn't turn up for at least 2 or 3 hours after they called.

---End of flashback---

"I got to know the lifeguards pretty well and I would go visit them at work every day as they knew about my situation at home. So that is how I knew the lifeguards and how that is the best memory that I have of my childhood," I said to Jethro.

He looked at me in shock and then said "Is that why they keep calling you N/N? Have you told Harries that you had a crush on him when you were younger?"

"Yes, that is why they call me N/N and no I have not told Harries that I had a crush on him when I was younger but please don't tell him that. Promise?"

"I promise that I won't tell him. Also, is that why you wanted to become a lifeguard?"

"Yes, it is why I wanted to become a lifeguard as I kept watching them save people for years while I was in the tower." He then kept asking me questions about my past and about my memory that I told him about and I answered every question he asked.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Please suggest a chapter for me to write as I changed the lifeguard 3 times for this book and the topic a few times as well. I don't care what it is about however I won't write another smut chapter for a while so please don't ask me to write another one. I will tell you when you can ask me to write one. You can see at the end of this chapter that I didn't know what to write so please suggest a chapter for me to write for you. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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