Deano - Close Call - short

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Y/N's POV:

I went to bed at around 2 am because I had to do some stuff but I forgot to set my alarm so when I woke up in the morning it was 7.30. When I checked the time, I saw that it was 7.30 and I then shot out of bed as I realised that I would be late for work. I had to be at work in 30 minutes and it normally takes me 45 minutes to get to work and to get ready. When I shot out of bed, my husband, Deano fell off the bed so I ran around to his side of the bed and then held my hand out for him to take and while I did I asked him "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why did you shoot out of bed?" He asked.

"I'm going to be late for work. I didn't set my alarm last night as I went to bed a 2 am and I was tired which I am now but I only have 25 minutes to get ready otherwise I am going to be late."

"Well, I'll go make your lunch and get your bag ready while you get dressed and I will then drive you down to the beach."

"Thanks. I love you." I then rush into the bathroom with my uniform while I hear Deano shout I love you. I managed to get changed in 5 minutes and when I leave the bathroom I see Deano still making my lunch so I rush around the apartment and gather the stuff that I need for work. I get my phone and wallet and put it in my handbag and then I get another bag, get a towel, and put it inside of it. Once I put my stuff by the front door Deano puts my lunch in the bag with my towel and then he gets the car keys and we rush out of the house. We only have 10 minutes to get to the tower and he managed to get us outside of the pavilion in 7 minutes so I then exit the car but not before I kiss Deano and I then run down to the tower. I manage to get there in 2 minutes and when I walk in I realise that I am not late and that it was a close call.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Can't believe that I managed to write this chapter while I was watching Teen Wolf. I also have my Sixth Form interviews tomorrow so I am worried about them but I should do fine. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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