Jesse - On Call

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Y/N's POV:

Jesse and I were at home relaxing tonight, but I wasn't fully relaxed as I was on call at the hospital and I could be called in at any time. Jesse knows that I am on call, but he isn't worried. I am dressed in black skinny jeans and a loose red top. We were both watching Five Feet Apart. It is really good but really sad as I have watched this film a few times without Jesse, but I wanted to watch it with Jesse today. I was prepared to leave the house at any time as I had everything on me. We managed to watch about an hour of the film before my pager went off to say that they need me. I then jumped up and got all of my stuff from next to me and then I ran out of the front door and I jumped into my car and left for work. I got to work around 15 minutes later, and when I got out of my car I walked into the hospital and then I walked into the locker rooms and then opened my locker and I then put on my coat and then walked to where I was needed.

Jesse's POV:

It was after Y/N left and I was now home alone. I knew that she was on call tonight, but I wasn't really ok with that as I don't really want to be home alone at this point, but I didn't tell her that as that would have made her not want to go to work. I decided to watch the rest of the film when Y/N left and when if finished later I decided to go to sleep. I only decided to go to sleep at 10 pm because I was tired and because I also just wanted Y/N to come home so I knew that if I went to sleep then she would come home sooner.

I woke up at 4 am and I only woke up because I heard the front door open. The bedroom door then opens quietly and then Y/N walks in she then quietly closes the door and then turns around. When she turns around, she sees me awake so she quickly gets undressed and then she climbs into bed and then cuddles with me. We then eventually fall asleep while cuddling.


Hope you have enjoyed it. I was kind enough not to spoil the film that I mentioned as I know that not everyone watches that film but if you haven't watched it please do because it is a good film, but it is also a sad film. Thanks for reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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