Blake - Leaving (pt.1)

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Based on the last episode in season 3.


Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Blake for around about 8 months and I was upset that he was leaving today. I was the first one to know about him leaving as he knew that I would take it the hardest. He told me that he was leaving around about a month ago. I have been crying every night that he is leaving but I don't cry when I am with him. He then told the boys 2 weeks after me and they were all sad that he was leaving. Blake and I have been trying to spend as much time together when we aren't at work or when we are on our lunch break as I wasn't ready for him to leave yet.

As it was the end of the season we had a surfing competition when we got to enjoy the water as well as the other people that were on the beach. There were 4 teams which were the Aussies, the Mormons, the Presidents and the sentimental favourites, the H team. There was a team dedicated to what Blake was doing when he left and they were all wearing suits to support him. I was on the Aussie team with Maxi and I was dressed up just like Maxi in a yellow swim top with a matching pair of yellow swim bottoms with a skirt attached to it. I also had my hair curled so that it looked nice and I was going to try and not get it wet while I was in the water. The only thing that I wasn't wearing that Maxi was wearing was the hat as I thought that it was ridiculous.

While we were waiting for our turn I was just standing next to Blake and he then whispered in my ear "You look really beautiful."

"I looked up to him and then replied with "Thanks and you look hot in that suit." I then frowned and looked up at him and continued to say "I really wish that you didn't have to leave."

"I know you do but I want to do this. I will facetime you when you finish work. But please be happy today as I don't want you to be sad. We are all having fun and I don't want you being the only one here that is upset. Cheer up for me?"

"Ok. I will but you know that I will be crying all day tomorrow."

"Yes, baby I know." I then kiss him. We then just stand there in each other's arms while we wait for Matty D to come back to shore and on his way back I saw him take out a book from his inside jacket pocket and then start to flick through it. We all then begin to laugh as it was really funny.

We then spent a bit of time just having fun while being out there and when it was my turn I decided to do some backflips and frontflips on my board while I was coming back in. I managed to perfect them in my spare time. I was mostly doing it at Tamarama as I knew that there wouldn't be any boys there other than the ones on duty. I managed to get in 3 backflips, 2 frontflips and a handstand on my board and when I got back in I just saw all of the scared looks on the boys faces as I knew that I had scarred them while I was coming back in.

Around about a minute later when they recover from the shock and the fright they all began cheering and shouting my name. Thye then picked me up and put me on their shoulders as they were just cheering as I managed to pull off those moves while I was in the water.

When they announced that the winners were the Mormons, Matty D then started soaking Blake with champagne. They managed to pin him down to the ground and when they all get off him I just on top of him and then start kissing him.

Later when nearly everyone has left the beach, we were all sat down having some food and just having a casual conversation as we just wanted to relax. I was sitting on Blake's lap and we were just cuddling as we wouldn't be able to do it tonight. We stayed in that position for around about an hour until we had to go home and go to our separate houses.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I had to watch the episode while I was writing this chapter so I knew what was going on in the episode. I am going to do another 2 parts to this chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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