Dylan - Cute

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This was requested by heyitsvicki so thank you for requesting this and just to let you know the requests are open so if you have an idea and want it to be written for you then message me and I will write it for you.


Vicki's POV:

Dylan and I have been dating for a year now and it's Dylan's day off tomorrow and I am excited because I get to spend al. day with him. I don't get to spend all day with him a lot of the time because he is either on the 8 am - 5 pm shift or he is on the 5.30 am - 12.30 pm shift. When he is on the early morning shift he normally goes home and falls asleep because he doesn't get a lot of sleep the night before. When Dylan has the day off I normally go round to his the night before and sleep at his house for the night so that we wake up next to each other so that we can start the day straight away.

When we wake up that morning we spend 30 minutes just lying there talking, kissing and cuddling as we don't really want to get out of bed yet. 

When we get out of bed we go and have a shower separately but when we finish getting ready for the day we go into the kitchen and have breakfast together.

Once we have finished with breakfast we go and cuddle on the sofa whilst watching TV. We remember that his Mum is coming round but we don't move as she has a copy of the key and she has seen us cuddling a lot. 

When his Mum walked through the door later that day and she sees us cuddled up on the sofa whilst watching TV and then she said "Oh that's cute. You two look cute together. She is the one for you Dylan." We both then look at her when she says that. So she then said, "I said that out loud didn't I?" We both nodded our head but then go back to watching the TV. 

After we finish watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy and then we talked to his Mum for a while before deciding that we were going to get dressed to go to the beach.

When we get to the beach we get undressed into our swimsuits and then go into the sea to play with each other. We kept splashing each other but at one point I splashed him too much and then I started running up the sand to get away from him but he caught me and picked me up and brought me back to the water. When we get back to the water be put me down, spun me around and then we started to kiss each other. We spend the next 5 minutes in the water playing around. When we walk back up to our stuff on our beach we walk past the boys and they start teasing us as that is their favourite thing to do when we both are around them.

It was around 5 pm when we decided to leave the beach and when we got back to his house we eat dinner and then we just lie down on his bed cuddling until we fell asleep.


 Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry that this request has taken a few days to come out. I have just been busy with my school work. 


Nicci 💙

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