Mario - Flash Mob

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Mario's POV:

I woke up this morning with a feeling that something was going to happen today but I shook that feeling off. I then got up and got dressed for work. I then left the house after I had breakfast and I got all of my stuff for work. I got down to the beach in 15 minutes and I then put my stuff away and headed down in between the flags with Jethro.

We were down between the flags when we heard music playing from somewhere so we both turned around and we saw lots of speakers on the promenade. I could tell that Jethro wasn't expecting it.

Y/N's POV:

I was at the beach today and I taught a few people the dance that I was going to do and I told them to spread it around so everyone knew the dance. I also told them that they could teach a few of the lifeguards but not all of them. I told my friends to bring my big portable speakers and put them up on the promenade and then blast the song through the speakers.

By the time it was lunchtime my friends had bought my speakers down and I then decided to connect my phone to the speakers. I then blasted the song through the speakers and I started dancing. Everyone around me realised what I was doing so one by one they got up and started dancing along with me. I could see some of the lifeguards joining in and I could see some of them coming out of the tower to watch. When I turned around to see how many people were dancing, I saw nearly everyone joining in. I could hardly see anyone in the water as well.

Once we finished the flash mob, everyone went back to what they were doing and then a lifeguard came up to me and then said "Wow. That was amazing."

"Thanks. I organised that dance myself."

"Wow, that's impressive. How long did it take for you to make up that dance?" He asked.

"It took me around a week to make that dance up. I'm Y/N by the way," I say.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mario." We then spent a bit of time talking to each other about the flash mob and how I got everyone to join in, even some of the lifeguards.

It then turned 3 pm and I then realise that I need to go home and I realise that he should be working. I then packed my stuff up and left the beach with my friends carrying my speakers behind me.

(The dance they did)


Thanks for reading this chapter. This chapter is NOT based on the different flash mobs that there has been in Bondi Rescue. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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