Noah - Pain

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Y/N's POV:

I was on duty with Noah down between the flags when someone pushes me onto the floor and I hit my knee on the wheel of the buggy and it starts to hurt. I hide my pain as I didn't want Noah to see me in pain.

I managed to hide my pain for a while because I was just sat down but I then had to go out to do a rescue. When I put my foot down on the ground pain travels through my leg up to my knee and I pushed through it even though it hurt. I pushed through the pain as I was swimming to rescue the guy. I started walking back up the sand to the buggy when I felt the pain get worse and worse. I eventually got that bad that I couldn't stand up anymore as I fell to the ground and I couldn't move because of my knee.

Noah's POV:

I was sat in the buggy watching Y/N come back up the stairs from a rescue when she suddenly fell to the ground. I immediately grabbed my radio and said "Guys, Y/N has just gone down. I'll go check on her and then give you an update." I then don't hear a response from them so I go down to where Y/N is on the sand and then ask her "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said.

"Well, you don't look fine. You've just fallen over and you look like you're in pain," I said.

"Yes...No. I'm not fine. Someone pushed me over earlier and my knee hit the wheel on the buggy and now it has been hurting badly since," she said.

"Hold on. Let me tell the boys that I am coming up with you and that someone needs to swap places with you so you can rest your knee and put ice on it." I then repeat what I told her on the radio but change a few words so that it makes sense to them. I then pick her u and then set her in the buggy before going back down to collect the rescue board.

Once I put the rescue board in the holder, I then start the engine and take her up to the tower. I get us to the tower in a minute and then I carry her up the steps and set her down on one of the chairs with her legs up on another chair next to her. I then get her an ice pack from the freezer and then place it on her knee. I got to walk out of the tower with Maxi but Y/N stops me and then whispers to me "Can you stay here with me?"

I then look at her and then back at Maxi before saying to him "Hey, Maxi. Are you alright to be down there on your own? Y/N wants me to stay with her."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can watch it on my own. Don't worry, mate."

"Thanks, mate." I then sit down next to Y/N and she rests her head on my shoulder while I watch the water.

This continues for the rest of our shift and when I have to drive her home she asked me to stay with her to keep her company so that she wasn't alone.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I wrote this chapter because I hit my knee earlier and I wanted to write a chapter about my pain. It has been hurting since 3.30 pm and I don't know when it is going to stop hurting. This chapter was going to be out earlier but Word stopped working so I then had to reopen it and then start up Grammarly again. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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