Tommy - Bar

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Y/N's POV:

I was excited about tonight because my boyfriend, Tommy was taking to me a bar tonight to get some drinks as it was my birthday and we were celebrating together. I have had alcohol before so I know how much I can have before I get drunk which was around 7 or 8 drinks depending on how fast I drink them. I getting ready for tonight because Tommy said that I had 3 hours to get ready as we were leaving the house at 7.30 pm. He only told me that at 4.30 so when he told me I ran into our room and hopped into the shower.

I got out of the shower 30 minutes later and I was just getting dressed. I chose to wear a white skirt and a black crop top with spaghetti straps. I also am wearing heels that have straps around the ankles. I walked out of our room at 7.15 and when I did Tommy handed me a crown that said 18 on it and a white sash that said '18th Birthday'. I placed the crown on top of my head and put the sash on. We then walk out of the house 5 minutes later as I had everything I needed and so did Tommy.

We got to the bar 20 minutes later and I was excited as I got to buy my drinks from a bar. We then entered the bar and sat down and Tommy then went up and ordered us our first round of drinks. Tommy knew that he could drink as much as he liked tonight as we took a taxi here and that is the reason why at around 9 pm we were hammered but we carried on drinking as it was my birthday and we just wanted to let loose and have fun.

It was now 10.30 at night and Tommy and I thought that it would be a good idea to go home as we could hardly walk and we had to hold onto each other for support. We both had around 10-15 drinks. I was just thankful that we managed to get home at 11 pm and when we did we got changed into some pj's quickly as we both wanted to get some sleep as we were tired. When we got into bed we were that tired and drunk that when our heads hit the pillow we fell asleep straight away.


Thanks for reading this chapter. If you want to suggest an idea then you can either message me or post it on my message board. I am going to be writing part 2 to this. Hope you enjoyed reading it.


Nicci 💙

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