All Lifeguards - Drawing - short

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Y/N's POV:

I was in the tower today but as I had dislocated my knee yesterday Hoppo wasn't allowing me to do any duty's on the sand but he doesn't really want my to-do any duty's in general but I convinced him to let me sit in the tower. I got bored at some point so I grabbed some paper from the drawer and a pencil ad I started drawing some things.

At first, I started drawing a picture of the sea because it looked really nice in the sun but when I started drawing I had a few of the boys ask me what I was doing and I told them that was drawing. They left me alone for a while and after I got bored of drawing the ocean I got a new piece of paper and then started drawing a tree. I don't know why it was a tree but I don't think that I was paying attention to what I was doing until I finished drawing the picture.

Once I was finished with both of the drawings the boys told me that they looked really good and that I should draw more often.

(Picture of tree and ocean picture 👇🏻)

(Picture of tree and ocean picture 👇🏻)

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Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry, that it is so late. I was applying for a load of jobs and I forgot about writing this chapter until 10.45 pm. I also didn't know what to write so I just wrote an extremely short chapter. Hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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