Beardy - Dinner - short

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Y/N's POV:

I couldn't wait for tonight as Beardy was having dinner with me tonight. I couldn't wait for it tonight. I was cooking us pan-fried pork chops with white bean and tomato salsa. I was really good at cooking this dish as it is what I normally have to cook at my restaurant. That is how Beardy and I met.

He was sat in my restaurant eating the exact meal I am making tonight and when he finished he wanted to tell me how delicious my food was and that he really loved the meal. I said thank you and then we started talking for a few minutes as I was able to have a break. When I had to get back to work we traded numbers and we then started talking to each other and then around about a month ago he asked me out. I said yes and now here we are.

While all of the food was cooking I decided to change into my black and white polka-dot dress as I thought that it was cute. I also put a black ribbon into my hair so it would stay out of the way. I then went back to the food and around 5 minutes before it was going to be ready I heard a knock on the door and I knew that was Beardy as I don't have many friends and he said that he would be over at mine at 6 pm. I run to the front door, open it and let him in. I then say to him "You can sit down at the table in the kitchen as the food is nearly ready." He then follows me to the kitchen and I walk back over to the oven.

Around 2 minutes later I hear the time go off so I get the food out of the oven and I dish it up. I then put the food on the table and then Beardy and I start to eat the food and also talk about what our day has been like. We both enjoyed the meal and once we finished we both just sat down on the sofa and just talked.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry for not writing the request that I have gotten. I have exams for school so the teachers have evidence for our grades so I have been revising for school. My mum has been feeling under the weather for a few days and I just haven't had time to write it. I will write it by next week as starting Friday I am going to be on the Easter holidays. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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