Hoppo - Valentine's day

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Claire's POV:

I have been married to Hoppo for 4 years now and we have known each other for over 10 years now. Before we got married, we were dating for 4 years. We both really love each other but hardly get to spend time together because we don't have a lot of time to spend together because of our jobs and because our working hours and days off don't match up. As valentine's day is on Sunday this year, we decided to spend it together. I woke up at 8.30 and when I rolled to the side, I noticed that Hoppo wasn't there but just as I went to get out of bed, he walked through our bedroom door with food. He came over to me and said: "I made you breakfast" while putting I down on my lap. He then got into bed with me and put his plate on his lap. "You didn't have to do that for me. I would've made it myself."

"I know you would have but I woke up earlier than you and I decided to make you breakfast so you didn't have to do it."

"Thank you for making me breakfast. I love it and I love you." I kissed him and then we both at our breakfast while talking about work. I then got up and got dressed in denim shorts and a white crop top.

I then walked out of our room and saw Hoppo sat on the sofa, so I decided to lie on the sofa with my head on Hoppo's lap and my feet down the other side. While I was lying there Hoppo and I talked about random stuff and we were talking for around 3 hours.

When it was lunchtime, we both got up and made ourselves some lunch. We both decided that over lunch that we will go down to the beach to have some fun.

---At the beach---

We got to the beach 30 minutes ago and we started have been sunbathing for that time. We both then decided that we are going to go play in the water. When we got into the water, we started splashing the water at each other, but I managed to splash him in his face, so he started to run at me. I saw him start to run at me, so I started running away but he managed to catch me, and he picked me up and I then started laughing. He put me down and then I turn around and kiss him.

Harries' POV:

I was on duty today and I was in the tower today with Kerrbox. I was scanning the water when I saw Hoppo in the water with his wife. Not a lot of us know about her because he likes to keep his private life private and only some of us went to the wedding. I said "Hye boys. It looks like Hoppo is having fun today," over the radio. I then got people saying things over the radio like "yes, it looks like he is," and "what. Who is Hoppo with?" I turned around and said that I couldn't say as he would tell them tomorrow.

Hoppo's POV:

After we had fun in the water, we both then spent time together cuddling on the beach. While we were cuddling, we were also talking about the boys that work with me.

We got home at around 4.30 pm and we also decided to have a takeaway while we were at the beach. We chose to have an Indian and we have ordered a jalfrezi. While we waited for it to arrive, we both got showered and changed into some other clothes.

When the food got here, we both sat down at the table and ate the food and then we went and cuddled on the sofa. While we were cuddling, we were also kissing and watching a movie, but I think that the movie was forgotten about as we were just kissing.


Happy valentine's day everyone. Hope you have had or are having a great day. Thanks for reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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