Bacon - Cheering Up

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Y/N's POV:

I wasn't feeling very well today because I have really bad cramps and I didn't want to move. My boyfriend Bacon knew that as when he woke up I was curled up in a ball and my face showed that I was in pain. He knew that while I was in pain that he shouldn't come to talk to me a lot as he knows that when I am in pain, I am cranky and angry.

He then got out of bed and pulled the cover over the top of me as I was cold and the next thing I saw was my reversible octopus coming under the cover. I then decided to change it to the angry/upset side and then I put it on the other side of the quilt so that Bacon could see that I was angry/upset. I then stayed curled up in a ball under the cover to try and get rid of the pain.

Bacon's POV:

When I woke up this morning I realised that Y/N was in pain because of the look that she was making with her face so I decided to get up and put the cover over Y/N's head. I then grabbed her reversible octopus and then gave it to her. It then came out from under the cover and it showed that she was angry/upset so I knew that I couldn't annoy her. So I decided to get dressed and go get her hot water bottle and fill it up.

I got back to our room 20 minutes later with her hot water bottle filled up and I then brought it back to her and put it on the bed. She then grabbed it but she then didn't change her octopus so I knew that she would need other stuff to get her happy. I then decided to leave the house to go to the shop to get her some chocolate and other stuff.

When I got back 45 minutes later with the stuff I walked back into our bedroom and I still saw that the octopus was on the upset side so I set the bag down on the floor and then one by one I kept putting the food on the bed to give to her.

Every time that I put the food down on the bed she quickly reached out and grabbed the food. I then decided to try something so I left the room and grabbed some fruit off the counter and brought it back into our room and put it on the bed. When she reached for it and grabbed it she realised that it was fruit so she threw it out of the room. I then realised that she doesn't want any food so I kept giving her the stuff out of the shopping bag.

I then reached to the bottom of the bag and there wasn't any chocolate left but there were teddies so I then put one on the bed and saw her take it and keep it. I spent 15 minutes giving her the food and the teddy and when I gave her the teddy she grabbed her octopus and then put it back out. When I saw the octopus change I smiled as I knew that I had cheered her up so I pulled back the quilt and when I saw her she was smiling. She then made grabby hands towards me so I hopped into bed and cuddled up to her. We then spent the rest of the day in bed as we had food with us on the bed.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I decided to write this chapter as recently I have been having really bad cramps and the only way for me to get them to go away is with a hot water bottle. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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