Dunno - Single Mum

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Y/N's POV:

I have been a single Mum for 2 years now but it was because I had a one night stand but I didn't want an abortion as I didn't want to get rid of the child. I couldn't get into any more relationships as I have a child. I have been alone for ages and I just can't wait until I find the right guy who loves me and my child.

I decided to take a walk on the beach with my daughter and it was all fine until I bumped into a lifeguard. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going as I was watching my daughter and when I looked up at the lifeguard I was just staring at him for a bit until I snapped out of it.

I said to him, "Sorry for bumping into you. I was watching my daughter, Amelia as it is her first time walking on the sand and I am still cautious about her."

"That's fine. It was just an accident. I'm Dunstan but my friends call me Dunno. Nice to meet you..."

"Oh. I'm Y/N and this is my daughter Amelia."

"Well isn't she cute. I'm sure that you have an amazing husband to produce this amazing little girl."

"Oh. Um...NO she doesn't know her Dad and nor do I. It was a one night stand and I was super drunk but when I found out that I was pregnant I couldn't stand an abortion as I didn't want to kill an unborn child."

"That's nice. Here's my number if you want to call or text me sometime in the future but it was nice meeting you. I have to get back to my job now. I'll see you again sometime." He then walked away and ran to get down to where he needed to be and I just stood there shocked as I managed to get a cute guy to talk to me and he also likes my daughter. I then realise that I am crushing on him badly and that I just told him a private part of my life. I just hope that he loves me like how I love him.

Dunno's POV:

After I finished talking to Y/N I started to run down to the south end and while I was running I was thinking about Y/N and even though I just met her I love her. I also don't care that she has a child and it was because of a one night stand. Amelia looks so cute and I just want her to be mine. I didn't realise that I was at the buggy until I was at it because I ran into it. It didn't hurt but I did hit it hard enough for me to fall over. I then got up after I hit the buggy and sat down next to Gonzo. He didn't say anything to me but he just laughed at me. I then told him that I met a pretty girl and her daughter and I gave her my number. I also told him that I like her a lot.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. I was struggling to write this chapter but I managed to write it and get it out for all of you. Thanks for the support that you are giving me. I appreciate it.


Nicci 💙

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