Harrison - Fight

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Y/N's POV:

I had a day off today and I was lucky as I wasn't feeling like myself today. I am feeling angry for some reason and it might be because Harrison has done something. Oh yeah. I remember why I am angry. It is because he never spends time with me when I ask him to. Harrison texted me that he was coming round after he finished work which was around 6.30 pm. I was ready to shout at him when he got to my house as I wasn't happy with him.

---Time skip to 6.45 pm---

Harrison finished work at around 6.30 and it normally takes him 15 minutes to get to my house from work so he should be here any minute now.

I waited for 5 minutes and he hasn't turned up yet. I was getting worried as I didn't know where he was. I have texted him asking where he is, but he hasn't seen them or texted me back.

10 minutes have now passed, and he still hasn't turned up. I have tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail so that was worrying me and making me get even angrier than before.

45 minutes has now gone. It has been an hour since he should have been here. I didn't know where he was, and I was just about to put my shoes on to go and find him but before I could get my shoes on, he walks through my front door. I stand up and look at him angrily. He looked confused about why I looked angry. "Why are you an hour late? It only takes 15 minutes to get here from your work. Why has it taken you over an hour to get here?"

"I was out with the boys. We went out for a bit as I needed to relax."

"You needed to relax. I don't care if you needed to relax. You told me that you would be here straight after you finished work."

"I didn't say that I would be here straight after work."

"I don't care. You should have been here when you said you would."

"Just because I am a little late doesn't matter."

"I sent you messages, and I even called you to see where you were. You never texted back or answered the call. You know what I am so sick you not coming over and spending time with me. I am your girlfriend. I want to spend time with you but all you want to do is spend time with your friends."

"Baby, I am sorry. I forgot to turn my phone back on and I am sorry for not spending time with you. I am so sorry."

"I am just sick of you apologising when you will do it again. You know what get out. GET OUT NOW."

"Baby please."

"No. Just get out. I don't want to see you." I spoke. Harrison then walks out of my apartment and I then fall to the floor crying as I didn't mean it. I was just angry at him for being late. I wanted to apologise but it is too late now as he would be halfway home by now as he was driving here. I ended up falling asleep on the living room floor as I couldn't get up as I would just fall again.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I can't believe that I have written 46 chapters already. Also, do you want me to do a part 2 to this chapter?


Nicci 💙

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