Whippet - Siblings (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

When they got over to us Tasha was smiling brightly at us while Matt and Lucas were looking at us confused and I then said "Whippet these are my brothers, Matthew and Lucas. You already know Tasha. Matt, Lucas. Meet my boyfriend Ryan Clark or Whippet." I didn't know what to expect next and looked shocked at first but then to my surprise Lucas turned around first and said... "You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, I do," I say.

"I knew that you were friends with him but I didn't know that you were dating him." He then turns to Whippet but before he could say anything to him, Matt pipes up and says "I hope you are treating her right. If you aren't I will find where you live and I will kill you."

Whippet looks down at me with a scared look on his face after Matt threatened him and I then whispered in his ear and said "He is kidding and believe me he is only like that because of the way Tasha's relationships have ended up." He then relaxes and we spend the next 3 hours talking to each other so the boys can get to know Whippet better. We did this while he was doing his job.

We have been home for 3 hours and Matt and Lucas have decided that Matt is going to sleep on the air mattress and that Lucas is going to sleep on the sofa. I was just dishing up for all of us and just as I was finishing dishing up, Whippet walks in and then before he does anything he does and puts his stuff in our room. It was lucky that he was just walking in as I was just about to wrap up his food in tin foil to keep it warm.

When he walks out of our room, I am just putting his food next to me and when Matt realises that Whippet is here he turns to me and asks "Is he here for tonight?"

"Um...No he isn't here for tonight. He...kinda...lives here."

"You two live together!" Lucas exclaims. He then looks at Tasha who is just sat there like she already knew which she did and he asks her "Did you know?"

"Yeah, I did. I knew about 4 months ago," She said.

"How did you find out?" Matt asks.

"I was face timing Y/N 4 months ago and then he walked in asking her for something and then I found out as I asked who he was and she then told me," Tasha stated. Thye then stopped asking questions and we just ate dinner in silence.

2 days later I am back at work and my siblings have gone back to England as they couldn't stay for any longer. I was glad that they could come over here to see me and to get to know my boyfriend. I was also glad to see them again in person as I haven't seen them in person for just over a year.


Thanks for reading this chapter. The italics at the start is the end of the last chapter so it can remind you of what was written at the end. I have said this in the next chapter but I can't believe that I have written 2 chapters today as I was out for most of the day. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Nicci 💙

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