Harrison - Little girl

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Harrisons POV:

I am getting back into the blue buggy at backpackers because I have just done a rescue when I see a little girl around 6 or 7 years old wandering around looking for someone. She looked scared and in shock so I get my t-shirt back on and grab my radio and I walk up to her. "Hey. Are you ok? You look lost." I said calmly.

"No I've lost my mum and I don't know where she is," she said in a scared voice.

"How old are you?" I ask 

"I'm 8," she says

"Alright. my name is Harrison. What's yours?" I ask

"Lily. My name is Lily."

"Alright, Lily can you remember what your Mum was wearing?"

"No. I want my parents please can you help. I am just alone now. I don't know what to do."

"Ok, ok. You can come up to the tower with me."

She nods her head and we drive up to the tower and I take her upstairs. I tell the boys her name and her age and sit her down in a chair. As I am leaving the tower to go back down to backpackers I hear her scream and she runs up and clings to my leg. I ply her off my leg and take her back up to the boys. I keep trying to leave but every time that I kept trying to leave she kept screaming and crying so I turned around to the boys and said "Can one of you go down to backpackers. She doesn't want me to leave so can one of you go down there."

"Yeah, sure I will go down there now," Bisho said. I go and sit down in Bisho's seat and I put Lily on my lap. I give her an ice lolly to calm her down. It worked so I handed her the binoculars "take these and try and find your Mum ok." She nods her head and looks for her Mum but within minutes she put them down because she couldn't see her.

------ 6 hours later -------

It was nearing closing time and the mother still hasn't can to collect her so I take her down to the beach and we wander to see if we can find where she was sitting. We wander down to backpackers and see some stuff unattended and no one was in the water so I thought that it has been left there so we walked towards it and I noticed that there was a note on top of all of the stuff. I picked it up and read it. It said:

To whoever finds this,

I can't take care of this ungrateful brat. Her name is Lily, She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I look at Lily and see that she matches the description that has been written.

I cannot look after her anymore because she keeps acting like a spoiled brat and I can't take it any more. She keeps crying if she doesn't get her way and she looks exactly like her father. I can't live with her if she reminds me of her father. So whoever finds this there is an adoption slip in the bag. Sign it and tell her that I have gone away for a while.



I look at Lily and see her wandering around near where I am standing. I take out the adoption slip from the bag and think about what will happen if I do adopt her. I turn around and say to Lily "Hey, Lily. How much do you want a dad?"

She thinks for a minute and then says "I really want one but mum says I won't get one. Why?"

"Well," how much would you like it if I adopted you?"

"So much but won't that mean I leave my mum."

"Yeah. She wrote a letter to whoever finds it and she said that she doesn't want you anymore. So do you want me to adopt you?"

"Please can you. She has never been nice to me." I sign the slip and then she is now my daughter. I want to surprise the boys in a few days but I can't do it yet because she has to settle in into my house. I take her home once the tower is locked up and she goes to sleep in my arms when we are walking home.


Sorry that this chapter has taken so long. I have been focusing on my school work and coursework so that I get good results in August because I am taking the exams in May/June time. It is the half-term now so I can try and get more chapters out this week.

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