Gonzo - Found (pt.2)

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Just to let you know Y/O/F/N means Your Other First Name and Y/O/L/N means Your Other Last Name. Also, I am going to do another part to this as I am ending this chapter on a cliff hanger.


Y/N's POV:

I woke up in a dark room and I was tied to a chair. The last thing that I remember before blacking out was a man putting a cloth to my face. I tried to get out, but the rope was tied too tightly around my wrists. I then tried moving my legs, but I couldn't as they were tied to the legs of the chair. I called out for help, but no sound can out as there was a cloth in my mouth. I heard a door open and then a man says "Well, well, well. Look who we found." He then pulls the cloth out of my mouth.

"Who are you? Why do you want me?"

"I thought that you would recognise me. Y/O/N."

"What do you want Jake? Why have you got me?"

"Don't you remember what you did to me? You put me away in jail for years."

"Yes. I remember. You committed a crime and you had to do to jail."

"Then why did you run away and change your name?"

"I wanted to get away from my job and I wanted to change so I moved and changed my name." He then slapped me. I didn't know why but he just did.

Gonzo' POV:

I woke up the next morning and was still tired. I had nightmares about Y/N being hurt or dead. I have been worried about her and the police haven't told me if they have found her. I decided to get dressed and then I drove down to the police station to see if they have found anything.

After I finished at the police station, I go back to my car and think about what they said. I just can't believe that they haven't found anything. I then remembered that we both have an iPhone and we both have each other on find friends so I can track her phone and I know that she would have her phone in her pocket with her, so I track her phone and then see that it only takes an hour to get to, so I drive to where she is.

---1 Hour later---

I park outside a warehouse and see a van parked a few spaces down. I then get out of the car and see a door close by. I open the door and see Y/N sitting close to the door. I don't think that she was actually sitting there to start with. I think that she moved closer to the door. I ran towards her and undid the rope, so she was free. We both ran out of the room and then we get into my car and then we drive off.

When we get outside my house Y/N tells me that she has to tell me something. When we get in the house I say, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well. I'm in danger. My actual name is Y/O/F/N, and I haven't told you the whole truth about my past."


As I said at the start of the chapter, I am doing a part 3 which will explain why I put a cliff hanger at the end of this chapter. Thanks for reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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