Joel - Fan Girl (pt.2)

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Megan's POV:

Joel just walked away from me and I am now jumping for joy as my crush just talked to me and I managed to get a picture with him. I decided to post the picture on social media with the caption 'I just met Joel and I am now jumping for joy. Thank you for letting me take a picture with you and you are really nice and I enjoyed talking to you.' I then tagged him in the post and I also put the picture as my lock and home screen on my phone. I then decided to walk around the beach for a bit longer to see if I can do anything else.

Joel's POV:

I just finished my shift and when I got my phone out of my locker and saw that I had a notification from Instagram to say that someone tagged me in a post. I then opened the post and saw that it was the girl that I was talking to earlier and it was here that posted the photo. I then decided to like the picture and comment on her post and I said 'It was nice to talk to you and I really enjoyed meeting you too.' I then decided to look through her other posts and I saw that it was mostly pictures of the scenery and I then decided to follow her as she takes nice photos and I would like to see more. I also thought that she was cute and even though I spent 15 minutes talking to her I had a crush on her.

I also decided to private message her on Insta and we talked for hours on it and we got to know each other really well. We told each other what we like and dislike and stuff like that and we have lots in common and we found that funny. We then decided to meet up again tomorrow to talk again in person so that we could talk more.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I only made this chapter so you got more context about what is going to happen and I wanted to make a part 2 to this. Thanks for 13k views and I am shocked that I have nearly written 100 chapters. Hope you enjoyed reading it.


Nicci 💙

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