Harries - Support

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Amy's POV:

I don't know what happened. I just feel numb as I couldn't save someone, and they are now dead. I have only been working here for a few weeks now and this was the first time someone died while I was trying to save them. The boys know that it was the first death that I was involved in, so they were really comforting especially Harries. Harries and I have gotten really close since I have started working here. I really enjoy his company and he has been really good at comforting me today.

After the incident, Harries and I went up to the tower. We swapped places with Corey and H-man as they were up in the tower and they didn't mind swapping places with Harries and I as I haven't witnessed a death while on the job yet so they let us swap so I could just relax or calm down. When we get up to the tower I am still crying so when we sit down Harries pulls me onto his lap and I then put my head on his shoulder and continue to cry.

Around 15 minutes later I finish crying but I don't want to move so I just continue to sit on Harries lap and hug him. He realises that I am not crying anymore but he doesn't say anything. Harries then says "I really like you, Amy. I didn't want to tell you earlier as I thought that it was too soon, but I couldn't keep it in anymore."

"I really like you as well, Harries." I then lift my head and then kiss him on the lips and before I could pull away, he starts to kiss me back. When we pull away, we lean our foreheads up against each other and then I sit down on my chair so that we could do our job.

We spend the rest of the day watching the water with a little bit of kissing while doing our job.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I just want to say thank you to all of my readers as you have read all of the chapters that I have posted. Also, sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal. I couldn't think of what to write but tomorrows chapter will be longer.


Nicci 💙

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