Kerrbox - Coming out

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Cheryl's POV:

I am going to tell my dad that I am gay today. I am scared about what he will say as I haven't told anyone that I am gay or that I am dating a girl as I am scared that people will judge me. My dad is a lifeguard down at Bondi and your probably wondering which one and it is Kerrbox. I haven't had the confidence to tell him, but I had to wait until he got home at around 7 pm.

When it reaches 7 pm my dad walks through the front door and I am now panicking as I don't know how this will go. I let him get changed and get some food before I talk to him. When he finished it was around 8 pm. When he sits down on the sofa I say "Dad, I need to tell you something." My dad immediately then says "What is it?" I then say "Please don't say anything until I am finished. I don't know how to put this, so I am just going to say it. I'm gay dad."

"I support you. I don't care that you are gay. You still are my daughter, and I will support you no matter what. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Thanks, dad. I didn't know how you would react, so I didn't want to tell you. Also, I have a girlfriend."

"Who and for how long?" Dad asks. I then hesitantly respond with "Her name is Toni and we have been dating for a year now." I was hesitant because I didn't know if dad would go and find her.

"A year! Wait. That doesn't matter. Congrats on a year. Also, can I meet her soon?"

"Yes, you can meet her. I just will need to tell her that I told you." I say. I then hug my dad and then we sit and talk about my girlfriend for about an hour. I then go to bed and to sleep.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I will be writing a few chapters about people being gay or bi this month as it is LGBTQ+ history month this month and I want to tell people that being gay or bi or anything else isn't that bad and that people should accept you for who you are.


Nicci 💙

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