Harries - Distraction

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Y/N's POV:

My boyfriend and I both have a day off today and I have decided that we are going to do some cleaning because it hasn't been cleaned in a month and there was stuff piling up everywhere. I told him that we are both cleaning up as some of the stuff was his. I didn't mind cleaning up the house but I did if someone doesn't help or if it took longer than 2 days to clean.

I was awake at 6.30 in the morning and I let my boyfriends sleep in for a little bit longer while I got dressed and did my skincare routine. It took me around an hour to sort myself out.

Once I finished, I walked over to his side of the bed and shook him awake. I also said, "Harries, honey. You have to get up now. We have some stuff to do." He then groaned and then rolled over to face me. He then opened his eyes and then leant forward and kissed me on the lips.

"Morning, baby," He says.

"Morning, honey," I reply. I then pull him out of bed and he then goes and gets ready for the day.

Around 2 hours later, we were halfway through cleaning the living room when I feel Harries breath on the back of my neck. I then turn around and when I do I don't have any time to say anything as I then feel his lips on mine. I then pulled away and said "We need to clean. Kisses later." I then turn back around and continue cleaning and I then hear some movement from behind me which tells me that he has moved away and has gone back to cleaning.

We managed to finish the living room and the kitchen with no more distractions but once we moved to clean our bedroom we managed to start cleaning the room fine. We managed to get the wardrobes cleaned and sorted out as they were a mess as well. We also managed to get the clothes put away as they were all in a pile in the corner of the room.

It wasn't until we started cleaning the bed and the floor where it happened. I was making sure the bed was neat and Harries was cleaning the floor but all of a sudden he comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck. I try to ignore it the best that I could but he then finds my sweet spot and I let out a moan.

He then stops and turns me around and says, "Oh. You like that don't you." He then continues to kiss my neck and he then pushes me onto the bed with him falling on top of me. He then continues to kiss my neck and then he take my top off and trails lots of kisses down to my stomach. I couldn't help what happened next as I then took his t-shirt off and then things managed to get heated really quickly. (I think you know where it led to.)

Around an hour later we were lying on the bed and I then turn to face him and I say "We were meant to be tidying this house."

"Yeah, well I thought that this was more productive and better."

"Yeah, you're right. That was way better but now because of that distraction, we are behind on the cleaning. Get dressed fast and then come help me in the dining room. We can do round 2 later once we are finished tidying," I said that while I was getting dressed again and then we both went and cleaned the dining room and once we did that we had around 2 of what we were doing earlier.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you knew where it led to at the end and earlier. If not then you would be very confused. I also didn't want to write that part because I am tired and I need to do some coursework for my DT project. I also was watching Teen Wolf earlier so I couldn't finish this chapter off then so I am sorry that it is out later again. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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