Whippet - Siblings (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I have been looking forward to this day for ages. My twin sister and brothers are coming for a visit today. Whippet doesn't know about all of my siblings. He only knows that I have a twin because he has caught me on facetime with her, so they ended up talking for a while and I then told her about him and that he is my boyfriend. My brothers know that I have a boyfriend, but Whippet doesn't know about them. I don't know what they are going to think about him as he is a lifeguard, and I am a doctor.

As I have had yesterday off, and I get today and tomorrow off I could go and pick them up. I have told Whippet that my twin sister, Tasha, is coming but not my brothers. I spent yesterday getting the house tidy, so it looks clean for when they turn up.

I have told them what we are doing today which was that we would be going to the beach after we have dropped off their stuff at my apartment. As Whippet and I sleep in the same room Tasha would have the guest room and my brothers would have to choose who is sleeping on the air mattress and the sofa.

I get to the airport at 10.30 am and when I got there, I saw that they were standing outside of the airport, so I stopped the car and they then put their stuff in the boot of the car and then they got in the car with Tasha in the front.

We got back to my apartment at 12.30 we went inside and they put their stuff away and they also got changed as I told them on the way here that we were going to the beach. It took us around 30 to get back out of the house and when we got outside I said that we were walking to the beach as it was only around the corner and that we would be getting lunch before we went onto the beach.

Once we had lunch we went down to the beach and when we were walking to the south end of the beach I saw that Whippet was on duty down their so I turned around to my brothers, Matthew and Lucas, and Tasha and said "I will be back in a minute." I then ran down to Whippet and when I reached to him I jumped onto his back and then kissed his cheek. I then jumped down and then walked around in front of him. "Hey you," I say to him.

"Hey, baby. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh...um...well...Tasha is here and so is my brothers."

"You have brothers?" He asks.

"Yeah. I do. They are protective of me so that is why I haven't told you about them. They know about you though as Tasha has told them," I said. I then waved them over to us and they walked over to us.

When they got over to us Tasha was smiling brightly at us while Matt and Lucas were looking at us confused and I then said "Whippet these are my brothers, Matthew and Lucas. You already know Tasha. Matt, Lucas. Meet my boyfriend Ryan Clark or Whippet." I didn't know what to expect next and looked shocked at first but then to my surprise Lucas turned around first and said...


Thanks for reading this chapter. I left it on a cliff-hanger, so I know where I have to pick up the chapter tomorrow. The names of the siblings that I wrote in this chapter are my actual sibling's names. Matthew is my older brother by 15 months. Tasha is my twin sister, and she is younger than me by 10 minutes and Lucas is my younger brother by 8 years. I am going to do another part of this and I might post 2 chapters tomorrow if I get time. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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