Jake - Dinner with my Dad

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Megan's POV:

Jake and I have been at work all day and I couldn't wait to get home so we could have dinner with my dad. I wanted him to meet Jake as we have been in a serious relationship for 2 years now but he hasn't been able to because of his work and I live in another country so he can't really find time to come see me.

When we left the tower that night I told Jake to go home and get dressed into something nice and smart because he is meeting my dad for the first time. I was really nervous because I haven't seen my dad in 3 years. Even though I was nervous, I was really excited to see him because we can talk about everything that has happened in the last three years. I was excited for Jake to meet my dad because no one that I have worked with has ever met my dad.

I managed to get home in 10 minutes and then get showered and dressed in an orange sleeveless dress. I also managed to curl my hair and put makeup on within an hour. I then had to start cooking dinner so I ran into the kitchen and started making Caprese Chicken. It was chicken with balsamic, tomatoes and mozzarella. I really enjoyed this meal so I hope that my dad and Jake loves it too.

While I was waiting for the chicken to cook, I decided to get the pudding out of the freezer. It was a red velvet cheesecake cake. I made it last night because it takes just over 20 hours to set. After the timer went off I turned the chicken over and then waited for another six minutes for it to cook on the other side. Once the timer went off again, I took the chicken out, emptied the skillet off the fat, and added balsamic vinegar, garlic, tomatoes, and salt. I let that simmer for a while and while it was simmering, the doorbell rang and I knew that it was either Jake or my dad. I went over to the front door and opened it up.

When I opened the door I saw Jake and my dad standing there talking. I was confused but let them both in either way. They both sat down at the table while I finished off the food and around 5 minutes later I dish the food up and then serve it to them. I then sit in between my dad and Jake. I decided to start a conversation with them both so I said "Dad. I have missed you so much."

"I have missed you too. Jellybean. I can't believe that it has been years since we have seen each other," he said.

"I know. I have so much to tell you but first. I see you have met my boyfriend, Jake," I say.

"Yes, he is a very nice young man. We met outside the building. We have some things in common already. Like, how we both love Die Hard and think that it is the best film," dad says.

"Yeah, what a coincidence," I say.

"One thing, I just thought that it would be just the two of us tonight," dad says.

"Well, yeas. I was going to tell you but I forgot but I now realise that is impossible because we live together and we have for the past 6 months but sometimes he stays with his friends like he is doing tonight. That is why you met him outside and we live together because we have been in a committed relationship for the past 2 years," I say.

"Oh, ok. That's a good enough reason. So, Jake how long have you been dating Megan?" Dad asks.

"I have been dating her for 2 years now and I am really committed to this relationship and I love her so much," Jake says.

"That's great. You both must be really happy but Jake. Let e tell you this once and once only. If you hurt her. I won't be afraid to track you down and kill you," dad says

"Yes, sir. I understand," Jake said and I could tell that he was afraid because his voice pitched up. I then spent the next 3 hours talking to Jake and my dad. I really missed my dad and I couldn't believe that we have so much to talk about. We could have talked for longer but all three of us have work in the morning so Jake and my dad went home. Dad promised that I could come over to his house next weekend so that we could talk some more. I don't know why but I cried after he left. It was probably because that I haven't seen him in 3 years and I have missed him so much.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I was too lazy to write this chapter and if you read my Jake Peralta book you can see some differences here as I just copied the chapter and changed details about it. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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