Joel - Fan Girl (pt.1)

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Megan's POV:

I have been looking forward to today for weeks now. I am in Bondi and I have come here for a holiday and to see if I can see the Bondi Lifeguards. I have been wanting to see Joel for a long time as I have had a crush on him for a long time and I am his biggest fan.

I decided to go down to the beach today to go for a swim and see if I can find some lifeguards. I was wearing a red and white bikini and I was wearing a strapless blue dress on top of it. I decided to walk down to the beach as it was nice and sunny. I got down to the beach at around 11.30 and I managed to find a spot close to the buggy down south end. I decided to get a tan before I went into the water as it was sunny out and I wanted to relax.

It was around 2 pm when I went for a walk along the beach. I have already gone for a swim in the sea and I was only in there for around 30 minutes as I started to get cold. As I was walking along the beach I saw a buggy down the north end of the beach and when I got closer to it I saw that Joel was there. I started to jump up and down in excitement as I got to see the person who I am fangirling over.

Joel's POV:

I was down on duty at the north end of the beach today and it was around 2 pm when I was looking around the beach to check the beach and when I was checking the beach I saw a girl jumping up and down out of excitement probably. I didn't know why she was excited but I was determined to find out. I told Jethro that I was going to check the beach and then I walked towards the girl.

When I got close to her I could tell that her eyes widened and she was in shock. It probably is because I was walking towards her. When I got to her I said "Hi. I'm Joel."

"I know. I am a really big fan."

"Thanks. Do you want to take a picture?"

"Please. I would really like that." She then takes her phone out and puts it into selfie mode and we take a picture together. We then spend a while talking to each other and while we were talking I could tell that she was becoming more and more relaxed.

We then spent 15 minutes talking to each other but then I realised that I had a job to do so I left to go and do my job.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry if it seems rushed. I didn't have a lot of time to write this chapter so I am sorry that it is so short. I am going to do part 2 of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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