Chase - Bluebottles

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Y/N's POV:

I have been dating Chase for 6 months now and I knew that he was on duty today with Whippet, Maxi, and some of the other lifeguards. As I knew that he was on duty, I decided to go down to the beach so that I can relax and go swimming. I didn't know that there was a lot of bluebottles down there as Chase didn't tell me. I thought that I was going to have a nice and relaxing day at the beach.

When I got out of the water from my swim and I didn't realise that I got stung by a bluebottle as I was using adrenaline. When the adrenaline ran out, I felt the sting on my thigh and when I looked down I saw that there were 3 big blue bottles wrapped around my thigh. I took them all off and then went up to the tower as they can sort of bluebottle stings.

When I got up the steps of the tower I saw Chase sat in the tower with Whippet. I know what they look like because Chase has taken me for drinks with the other boys. I decided to get their attention so I said "Hey, babe."

Chase turned around and then saw me and said "Hey, baby." He could tell that I was in pain from the fae that I was making so he then said "What have you done?"

"I got 3 really big bluebottles and it really hurts." I could hardly stand on my leg by that point as it hurt so badly.

"Alright, let's get some of that spray on it and then put some ice on it." He walks down the steps as he says that and then he walks into the medical area and gets some ice and the spray. He sprays it onto my leg and then gives me the ice pack. "You are going to be alright, baby."

I then walk out of the tower but I then start feeling faint. Before I could take a step on the sand, I felt like I was falling and all I saw was the sand coming closer and closer to me. I then don't remember anything else after that.

Chase's POV:

I sat back in the chair and then look through the bino's to see if I could see Y/N walking back to her stuff. I couldn't see her stuff but I couldn't so I put them down and look out of the side window to see if I could see Y/N.

I then bolted out of the tower because I saw her lying on the ground face first. I think that she must have fainted from the pain. I picked her up and then brought her back into the tower and put her down on the medical table. "Hey, Whip. Can you call an ambo? Y/N fainted at the bottom of the stairs."

"Yeah, sure. Mate. I'll do that for you now." Whippet then rang 000 and asked for an ambulance. I looked at her leg where the bluebottles stung her and saw that it was bigger than her other leg. I don't know what was going on. I could see that Y/N was waking up and then when she was fully awake I could tell that she was panicking because she doesn't know what was happening.

It took me around 5 minutes, to calm her down and after that, the ambo arrives and I then radio Hoppo and ask if I could go to the hospital with Y/N. He allowed me and I hopped in the back of the ambo and they took us to the hospital.

---After lots of tests---

Y/N had a lot of tests on her and we have now found out that she is allergic to jellyfish which includes bluebottles and we should be glad that it wasn't on her neck as that we be really bad.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Thanks to 05hanne for suggesting this chapter. I have now gotten used to the hot weather so I decided to do some sunbathing and for another thing. I nearly put down the UK emergency number because I forgot what the Australian one was so I had to look it up. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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