All Lifeguards - Idea

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Nova's POV:

I was the youngest lifeguard on the service and I was still learning things. All of the boys knew that and if I had an idea they would let me test it out because I was still figuring things out here. It was because they couldn't teach me everything. After all, I am still young.

I got to work today at around 7.30 am and when I went down to get one of the buggy's out I saw a lot of things but the one thing that stood out to me was the inflatable board. I then get excited because I had the idea to use them both to try something.

I forgot about getting the buggy out as I ran out of the tunnel and then up into the tower. When I got into the doorway I stopped so I could catch my breath and I then shouted "I have an idea. It might not work or it will. I don't know until I try it."

Maxi then turns around and so does Taco and then Maxi asks "Shouldn't you be getting a buggy out?"

I then walk up the steps and then say "Yes, I should be but I had to tell you my idea. I saw an inflatable board and a rescue tube and I thought. Hey, what would happen if I blew up the board and then went out with it blown up. I also thought about trying to do a few things there."

"Yeah, that does sound like a good idea. But you have to do it on your lunch break," Maxi says.

"Yeah, okay. I'll go do my job now," I say. I then head back down into the tunnel and then get the buggy out and do my job.

---Time Skip---

It was now my lunch break and I had an hour to do things. I decided to go do my idea first so I drove the buggy down to the tunnel and then blew up the board. It took a while but after I blew it up I drove to the water's edge.

I got out into the water on the board and then I tried to stand up on it but I fell off it. I didn't know if the boys were watching, but I knew that they would be laughing.

I tried to do a few more things on the inflatable board but I failed at everything that I was trying to do so I decided to go back in and up to the tower so I could have my lunch.

When I walked into the tower, the boys in there started laughing at me. They all started saying things to me but I was too focused on getting my lunch. After I got my lunch I went and sat up with all of the other boys and then we started talking and laughing about what I was doing in the water.

We were sat there for around 20 minutes before I had to go and go back to my post on the beach.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I was watching TikToks while I was writing this chapter, and I was also watching other stuff. I am tired tonight because I am writing this in bed but I still managed to write this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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