Max A - Late night

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Just to warn you that there is going to be some swearing in this chapter.


Tammy's POV:

It was a really busy day today and Hoppo wanted 2 of us to stay here to make sure that no one was in trouble as there were still some people here and he wanted to make sure that they wouldn't get in trouble. I volunteered to stay here and then when I volunteered Max A immediately volunteered to stay as well. I only volunteered because I don't have anything going on tonight as I am free and I don't have a family to look after.

It was after hours now and the boys have packed up and left the beach so Max and I were the only ones left. I have the keys for the tower so when we have to leave we can get our stuff. We have closed up the tower and we are on the buggy at the centre of the beach so if anyone needs us they have to come to us. We have already done 1 rescue since the boys have left and as it is getting colder people are starting to pack up slowly but there are still some people in the water.

Max and I just sat there talking to each other while we were keeping an eye out for trouble. We were talking about how today has been for each of us as we were at different ends of the beach today and we were also talking about our life in general.

Around 10 minutes later when lots of people were leaving, it was starting to get dark so we decided to start to pack up the buggy but just as we were about to leave and put the buggy away I spot someone out back so I tell Max to stop the buggy and I whip off my top, grab the board and run out to get them. I get to them 30 seconds later and when I get there I see that it was a child around 7 or 8 who was there. I got them on the board I get them back to shore. When the kid runs off after we get back to shore I turn around to Max and say "What the actual fuck! Why would someone let their 7 or 8-year-old child go out into the water without being supervised at this time of night?"

I just sit there shocked while Max said "I don't know. But some people are stupid like that." He then got the megaphone and says "We are leaving now as we have to go home so if you get into trouble the lifeguards won't be here to save you." We then pack up the buggy, grab our stuff and leave the beach.

It was around 9.30 pm when we left the beach and we decided earlier that we were going to go to Max's house for a few drinks when we left. So when we left the tower we walked over to Max's house and when we got there we spent a good 2 hours just having a few drinks and having fun.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am not saying that everyone is just some people that don't watch their children while they are in the water. I was watching Bondi Rescue while I was writing this chapter so I might have gotten distracted a few times. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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