Dylan - Glasses

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Y/N's POV:

I was really tired today and I couldn't find my contact lenses as I don't know where I left them yesterday so I had to wear my glasses. I never like wearing my glasses because they look stupid and I also haven't worn them in front of the boys so I don't know how they are going to react to them.

I walked into the tower with my radio and I then walked into the tower. I sat down at the front of the tower. I was on tower duty as that was the reason why I was sat in the tower. When I sat down I tried to look away from the boys so that they couldn't see my glasses but as I sat down they managed to spot the glasses. Dylan then asked me "What in the name of sanity have you go on your face?"

"Glasses. I wear glasses now. Glasses are cool." Dylan laughs at my reference and then I continue "No. Actually, I am really tired today and I couldn't find my contacts this morning so this was my only option today. I don't really like wearing these because of how they look."

"They don't look that bad." I could tell that he was lying by how he was speaking but I didn't say anything else as I didn't want to say anything else.

I decided to get on with the rest of the day as I didn't want anyone else to talk to me about my glasses. It was around lunchtime when someone else said something to me and it was Jethro who said something.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope that you got my reference that I put in this chapter and if you did comment on what it was from. I am going to do another part but I am going golfing tomorrow so it might be around the same time as today's chapter. I am going to post what the glasses look like in tomorrows chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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