Yatesy - Power Cut - short

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Y/N's POV:

I was at home with my husband Yatesy and we were watching TV but all of a sudden the power cuts out. When the power cuts out I jump into Yatesy arms as I was afraid of the dark. You'd think that at my age that I wouldn't be afraid of the dark but I am. When I jump into his arms I then bury my head in the crook of his neck. I feel him pick me him so I wrap my legs around his waist and I think he checks the circuit breaker box and I then hear him say "WTF!"

I then lift my head up and then say "What's wrong?"

"None of the switches have flipped down so I think that the power is out for everyone." He then takes us over to the window and then he sees that there is no light outside so he then says "Yes. I was right. The power has gone out for everyone."

"Can we get some torches and candles lit as I don't like being in the dark?"

"Yeah, honey that's fine. I was planning on doing that now. Can you get down so I don't burn you with the fire?"

"Ok. Please hurry." I then run back into the living room and bury my head into a pillow.

I hear rattling around me and then Yatesy says "You can look up. It's not that dark anymore." I then lift my head off my pillow and see lots of candles around me.

I sat up properly so that I could sit on Yatesy's lap and when he sat down I whispered "Thank you."

"You welcome. I know how much you don't like the dark so I knew that once the power when out that I would need to light the candles and that is why we keep them in the house."

"I love you, baby."

"I love you too." We then stayed cuddled up to each other while we sat with the candles lit around us.

After a few hours of sitting in the dark, the power comes back on and we then decided that we didn't want to get up to turn the TV off as it was on when the power went off so we stayed cuddling up to each other.


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Nicci 💙

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