Luke Faddy - Autumn

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Y/N's POV:

It was now autumn and it is my favourite season because I can jump in the leaves and kick them about. Luke knows it is my favourite season and he likes to annoy me by moving the leaves to I can't jump around in them. I also like to hear the crunching noise that the leaves make when you step on them. This is the one he annoys me the most with as he likes to step on them before me os I can't hear the sound. He has been doing this ever since we started dating which was around a year ago.

Luke and I were out on a walk through the woods and there were already lots of leaves on the ground and I have already jumped into a few leaf piles and walked over a lot of leaves. I could tell that I have already annoyed Luke because of the noise that I am making but he should have realised by now that sometimes I act like a child. The next thing that I knew was that Luke picked me up and was carrying me. "Why did you pick me up?"

"You were annoying me and you were acting like a child."

"Well, it's your fault that you wanted to walk in the woods in autumn when you knew that there would be leaves on the ground. And you know that I act like a child when there are leaves on the ground. You decided to date me."

"Well...Yes...I know that but would you just dial it down slightly."

"Nope. You just have to deal and stick up with it." I then jumped out of his arms and ran and jumped into a pile of leaves.

We walked for a little bit longer but then he decided that we need to go home and that was only because I was annoying him. I had a fun time jumping in the leaves today.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I decided to write about autumn because it is spring in Britain so it would be autumn in Australia. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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