Dylan - Terrible News

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Y/N's POV:

I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe that they were gone. I felt numb inside as I just couldn't feel anything. I got told over a phone call as I moved down to Bondi a few years ago and the rest of my family lives in England. I had to go over there so I could go to the funeral. I booked a flight for next week as the funeral is just over a week away. I had to call Dylan and tell him as he loves my parents. We have been dating for about 6 months now and he always is there to comfort me when I am sad. I called Dylan and after the second time I had rung him he picked up and then I just burst into tears. I could hear Dylan over the phone trying to talk to me but I just cried over the phone. I then heard Dylan talking to Hoppo and saying that there is something wrong with me and he wants to find out why as I am just crying non-stop. Dylan then told me that he was on his way home and he then hung up the phone.

Around 20 minutes later, Dylan enters the house and then when he sees me sat on the floor with tears streaming down my face he runs over to me and slides down next to me. He then pulls me into a hug and I then put my face into his chest and cry.

Around 10 later, I finish crying and when Dylan realises that he sits me on his lap and then asks "What's wrong? What's got you so upset?"

"My sister phoned me earlier and said that my parents have died," I say. "What! They died. I'm so sorry Y/N. I know how hard it is for you to find that they died. I don't know how it feels to have someone you love die." He then calls Hoppo and tells him that he isn't going to come back to work as my parents have died and that he needs to comfort me. He then hangs up and he spent the rest of the day comforting me.


Thanks for reading this chapter. My sister gave me the idea for this chapter and this is one of my worst fears. I would never like for this to happen to anyone in my family as I have already have had someone in my family die. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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