All lifeguards - Suicide

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Y/N's POV:

I don't want to live anymore. No one cares about me and I just want to die. Everything is going wrong and I don't think that I can do it anymore. I just want to die. I can't live like this anymore. I don't have any friends and the people that I work with don't care about me. My family is all dead because of me. I couldn't stand it so I decided to do the only thing that I thought that I could do to save me from my misery and that was to kill myself.

I was walking towards the edge of the cliff that is at Bondi and when I get to the edge I look towards the tower and whisper "I hope that you can live the rest of your lives without me and forget about me because you do that every day. Hope you have a good life without me." I then turn around and fall off the cliff with my back hitting the water. I then sink downwards towards the floor of the ocean and I feel relief because I can finally leave this world. I then start to close my eyes and when I do I realise that it is finally over.

Chappo's POV:

I was on duty in the tower today and all of a sudden someone runs into the tower and shouts "someone is standing on the edge of the cliff over there and they look like they were going to fall off." I then pick up my binoculars and look over towards the cliffs. I saw someone there as they said but just as I looked at them, I saw they fall backwards. I then chuck the bino's down and radio to the boys telling them that we need to get the jet ski into the water because someone just fell off the cliff.

2 minutes later, we had Joel in the wet suit just about to get onto the jet ski which as in the water. I radioed down to him that the person was somewhere on the cliff edge. He then sets off and goes towards the cliff.

It has been 5 minutes now since Joel has gone out on the jet ski. He called back saying that he found the body, but he needs someone to go under the water to get the body. Reidy then gets into the scuba kit to go underwater to get the body. Joel then comes back to shore and picks Reidy up. He then goes back to the place where the body was and then Reidy dives underwater and 30 seconds later, he comes back up and has the body with him.

Reidy's POV:

I got back up to the surface with the body and when I turned her over, I saw that it was Y/N. I gasped and then Joel turned around and asked: "what's wrong?"

"The body is what's wrong. It's Y/N. She killed herself." Joel looked at me in shock and then said into the radio that we found out who the body is, and it is Y/N. We both don't hear anything back over the radio as they are all in shock.


Thanks for reading this chapter. The chapter I wrote yesterday inspired me to write this one. I just want to point out that suicide is wrong no matter how much you want to take yourself out of this world. There are people that you can talk to who will help and listen to you so don't be afraid to ask people for help.

Also, this chapter isn't like the one I wrote a while back with Joel and the cliff because she thinks that no one cares about her and she actually jumps. I am going to do part 2 of this.


Nicci 💙

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