Lachie - Allergic Reaction

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Y/N's POV:

For all of my life, I have had to be careful about what I eat because I am allergic to somethings, like eggs, certain fruits, and peanuts. I am also lactose intolerant, so I have to be careful about what I eat. I have told my boyfriend Lachie what I am allergic to, so he is aware just in case he buys food for us to eat. I can eat eggs but only when it is in a cake or something like that because it has been mixed with other ingredients. I sometimes don't realise what is in the food that I eat so I keep an EpiPen on me all of the time.

Lachie was at work today so I decided that I would take a walk along the beach. I decided that I would go after lunch as I wanted to go to get a sandwich from across the street from the tower.

It was around 12.30 when I left the house and I walked down to the café across from the tower. I only walked there because I only live 5 minutes away from the beach.

When I got to the café, I went inside, and I bought a chicken and cheese sandwich and I also bought a packet of crisps and a cookie. I then walked out of the café put my packet of crisps and cookie in my handbag and then I walked to the beach and ate my sandwich. I already then had a bottle of water in my bag, so I took it out and drank so of it and then put it back. I then decided to get my cookie out of my bag so I could eat it. I take it out of the bag and I then start eating it.

I finished eating the cookie a few minutes later. The cookie tasted weird, but I shook it off and continued to walk along the beach. I managed to get ¾ of the way down the beach before I collapsed onto the sand.

Lachie's POV:

I was working at the North end of the beach today. It was after lunch now but all of a sudden someone runs up to us and says that someone has collapsed onto the beach. She takes me over to where the person has collapsed, and I see Y/N there on the floor. I radio to the tower to say that I need an EpiPen.

Harries brought it down from the tower and gave it to me. I immediately took the lid off and stabbed it into her leg. I only realised that it was an allergic reaction because she doesn't have any problem breathing at all and I knew that it was the only reason why she would collapse. A few minutes after I gave her the EpiPen she wakes up and then she looks around to see where she is. She then sees me sat next to her, so she sits up slightly and then wraps her arms around my neck. I then sit her up a bit further and then sit her on my lap and wrap my arm around her waist. Harries sees this and I then tell him that she is my girlfriend. Y/N then asks me what happened, and I said that you had an allergic reaction to something, but it doesn't matter because you are fine now.

We continue to sit like that for another 5 minutes before she feels better and when she does we both stand up and then we walk back to the tower so she can sit down in the chair and I can keep an eye on her for the rest of my shift.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I have started to struggle with writing these chapters, but I still managed to get ideas down and I still manage to write and publish these chapters.


Nicci 💙

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