All Lifeguards - Wives (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I was down at the beach today because I wanted to talk with some people. I have a group chat with all of the boy's wives and I asked if they could come down to the beach today. They all said yes and now we are all together in a group talking to each other. I don't know what the boys are going to think once they realise that I am talking to their wives. We have talked about a few things already like what the boys have been doing in the tower so they are now in trouble with their wives and we have also had a few laughs about stuff as well.

Jethro's POV:

I was on duty in the tower today and while I was scanning the beach, I found something weird. I found Y/N sat on the beach with all of the boy's wives. I didn't want to alarm them but I also wanted to make a joke out of this so I picked up the radio and then said "Um. Guys. I don't want to alarm you all but I have just spotted Y/N and all of your wives talking to each other on the beach."

"Wait. What? Where?" That was all I heard from over the radio as the boys were saying it.

I then started laughing as I thought that it was funny and I then said cover the radio "I love that Y/N is talking to your wives. You're all probably in deep shit now." I then hear all of the boys groan over the radio. I really love teasing them about this because I don't have a girlfriend or a wife and neither does Joel so we can tease them as much as we like because of this. I knew that this would backlash us once we get a girlfriend but I am going to enjoy doing this as much as I can until I get a girlfriend.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have a job interview at 9.30 am and it is my first job interview that I am going to so I don't know what it is going to be like. I am going to write another part as I couldn't fit it into one chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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