Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.1)

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Rose's POV:

I was a new lifeguard at Bondi beach. I was really looking forward to starting the job as I was happy that I was going to surprise the boys as Hoppo hasn't told any of them that there was someone new joining them. I was down at Hoppo's office at the moment because he told me to go to his office so none of the boys could see me. Hoppo then led me over to the tower and then told me to wait outside. While I was outside I heard Hoppo say "Boys. We have a new lifeguard joining the team today." He then shouts "Come in."

I then walked into the tower and around the corner so they could see me. I then said "Hi. I'm Rose Carroll." They all look at someone and then back at me and then I said "Why are you looking back and forth between me and him." I point to the guy when I said that.

One of them speaks up and says "It's weird. You have the same last name as Harries over here. Is Carroll a common last name?"

"No, it's not. I don't know why we have the same last name. It's weird," I say.

"Well, let me introduce us. I'm Reidy. This is Harries, Taco, H, Chappo, Maxi, Whippet, Deano and Jesse. There are lots more of us but they aren't on duty today. You will meet them later though as we were thinking of going to Icebergs later to meet up with each other. You can come later if you want."

"Yeah, I'll come but I won't be able to stay long as I need to sort some things out at home," I say.

"Yeah, that's fine. Some of us won't be able to stay the whole night as well as some of us have to get up early in the morning because we have to set up," Maxi says. We then go off to do our jobs and I was put with Harries and we were both down north end between the flags.

We have both had to do out into the water to rescue some people as they were in trouble. We have had a few interesting conversations but the conversation we were having at the moment was about our family. He said to me "So, does anyone else in your family have the same last name as you?"

"No, which is weird. I have never thought about it as I have always thought that I was born before they were married but I don't think that they actually have my birth certificate. It's because when I ask to see the certificate they keep making up excuses so I am also now thinking that I am adopted. I'll ask them later when I have time," I say. We then continue to talk about other things and before I know it, it is pack uptime.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am definitely going to do another part because I have this all planned out. I am not going to say because I want you to find out in the next chapter. I know that there are some chapters like this out there but I promise you that this chapter will be different. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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